How to Solve the EGO Problem on Your Team

How-to-Solve-the-EGO-Problem-on-Your-Team-Sean-GlazeAll high-performing groups will have people who are confident, but if your team is struggling, it may be because people on your team have an ego problem.

Ego is not in itself a bad thing.

All achievers have a healthy ego.  Bo Ryan, Head Coach of the Wisconsin Badgers basketball program explains that, “The selfless player with ego is a great team mate.”

But not every player with an ego is selfless, and it is those teammates or coworkers (the ones who have a destructive ego) that make succeeding in an organization difficult.  A teammate with a “bad” ego has a negative influence on team chemistry, but also limits his or her productivity and improvement – because bad ego “Eliminates Growth Opportunities.”

A “bad ego” is dangerous.  The ancient Greeks used the word “hubris,” and that blinding self-pride was often the tragic flaw that led to a powerful character’s downfall.

So what is the difference between “Bad” ego, that destroys team productivity and cohesiveness, and “Good” ego, that contributes to group success?

The difference can be simplified as destructive arrogance vs. constructive confidence.

Read the following eight descriptions, and see if you recognize yourself or a teammate:

  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego)  – needs to be in the spotlight and takes credit for team success.
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) – is comfortable being part of something bigger than himself.
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) is often difficult to approach and belittles others
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) is open and warm while sharing encouragement
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) spends most of his / her time talking (and bragging)
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) spends most of his/her time listening (and learning)
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) becomes defensive when a conflicting idea is shared
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) is interested in understanding other perspectives
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) is threatened by others’ success and focused on self
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) celebrates others’ success and wants team victory
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) refuses to acknowledge weaknesses and makes excuses
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) admits weaknesses and takes responsibility
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) assumes he/she knows more than his/her teammates
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) is willing to ask for advice and leverage others’ strengths
  • Destructive arrogance (bad ego) usually uses the word “I” in conversations
  • Constructive Confidence (good ego) usually uses the word “we” in conversations

As you read through the descriptions, did someone in your organization pop into your mind?

Did you see yourself in any of the italicized “bad ego” examples and descriptions?

If so, the good news is that anyone can modify their perspective and behavior to be a more positive and valuable member of a team.  A team ego problem can be solved.

So, if someone in your organization has an ego problem, how do you solve it?

As G.I. Joe used to say, “Knowing is half the battle!”

The most important thing you can do is to make them aware of the issue.

In many cases, just the suggestion to a person that they are damaging the team dynamic can be a powerful catalyst for them to begin making a few personal changes in their behavior.

A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.” ~Benjamin Franklin  Tweet This!

Destructive egos eliminate growth opportunities when they refuse to acknowledge their own need for improvement or refuse to see themselves as one piece of a much larger and more important puzzle.

Bad ego causes people to focus on themselves and their own personal accomplishments.  It leads to a self-importance that seeks to focus attention on them instead of seeking ways to use their talents and contribute to others.

So what are a few other ways to solve the ego problem on your team?

Well, once you have become aware of the problem (or helped a teammate to acknowledge the problem), you can try the following ideas:

  1. Have the person list the ways that others have contributed to their success – it wasn’t by themselves that they succeeded in the past, and it will not be by themselves and their own efforts that they will enjoy success in the future!
  1. Choose one of the destructive ego descriptors and then assist the person in changing REPLACING the destructive behaviors with more productive and positive ones.
  1. Identify a behavior from the constructive ego descriptors that the person may already do well and suggest ways to leverage it and begin building better relationships with the team.
  1. Have the person make it a point to inquire about other teammates more often – and have them ask for advice about things that they are working on.
  1. Place the person in situations where he/she MUST depend upon others to be successful.  Learning interdependence can be difficult, but it becomes easier once the person finds that he/she can trust and depend on others.
  1. Provide opportunities for team building activities and bonding – the more the person learns about their teammates’ strengths, backgrounds, team personality types, and challenges, the more he/she will feel a part of care for the group.

Many years ago, Benjamin Franklin wrote that “a man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.”  Our job as teammates is to work together – and remember that confident collaboration creates a far better culture (and far more success to celebrate) than arrogant competition.

When Rick Pitino was coaching the Boston Celtics, he asked Bill Russell to speak to his team before a game.  Russell agreed, and began his brief speech by telling the group that HE was the most egotistical S.O.B. in the room.  “But my ego was always a team ego.  My ego was linked with the success of my team… and the greatest disappointment I had as a player was the year i was hurt and we didn’t win a twelfth title.”

Everything we do as leaders should be geared toward building a stronger team ego.

If you are looking for a special addition to your list of meeting topics or breakout sessions as part of your next conference, consider the benefits of a team development event as a catalyst to improve your group morale, energy, and interactions!

Have you thought of anything that you would like to add to the list? Please comment below.

To Lead Boldly Embrace Your Inner Loser

To-Lead-Boldly-Embrace-Your-Inner-Loser-Henna-InamDoes fear of failure hold you back in your leadership? True story.  A few weeks ago I had a rather large speaking engagement.  It was with an audience larger than I usually speak in front of, with content I hadn’t delivered before.  The night before the conference I set the alarm for 6 am.  I was to meet the conference organizers at 7:30 am for an 8:30am start. Next thing I know it is 8:30am and I am just waking up.  First, I can’t find the shoes I’m supposed to wear.  Next, I can’t find my car keys.  When I find my car keys, my car has disappeared from the garage.  I can feel my heart about to jump out of my chest. Finally, I wake up and it’s 4 AM in the morning. Does this ever happen to you? It’s basic fear of failure. And for us to be more authentic leaders, we need to embrace our fear of being a loser. Here’s why.

Fear of Failure

Our fears are completely normal and served our ancestors well.  If our cavemen ancestors failed to notice the lioness stalking, they faced some dire consequences.  Our bodies have thus evolved to put ourselves in high alert when we detect threats.  The problem is that our brains haven’t evolved to distinguish between physical threats and threats to our self-esteem.  This state of threat also inhibits our performance, creativity, productivity, empathy, and ability to collaborate with others.  That’s just great. Pass the Valium.

How Fear of Failure Undermines Authentic Leadership

The problem with failure is that we take ours very personally. The inner critic says, “Gosh, if I fail at this, it means that I mustn’t be good enough, and if I’m not good enough then no one will love me.”  It comes from our basic survival mechanism as mammals where in order to survive, we needed to be loved and taken care of by others.  We all have a secret suspicion that we’re really losers and no one will love us if we let them see our inner loser.

This fear keeps us in “performance mode”.  It prevents us from letting our guard down with others.  The most self-assured and authentic leaders are not afraid to be vulnerable, to show their flaws, to share their failures.  That’s because they are already comfortable with their inner loser and know that their inner loser is part of the shared human experience, and in no way undermines their fundamental self-worth.

Leadership Practice – Embrace Your Inner Loser

A critical step to be more authentic in our leadership is to get comfortable with not being perfect.  Here is an exercise I’ve tried that works for me.  Get yourself a piece of paper and write down:

“I know that I am not perfect because (list past failure or “fatal flaw”), but I know I’m okay anyway because (list some things that are strengths, accomplishments etc).”

This exercise is a great one for giving ourselves a break. We may not be perfect but we can still be okay.  It takes the sting out of failure because we don’t attach failure to our basic worthiness.  Writing it down was hard for me.  Reading it out loud several times helped. Then saying it in front of someone else is the real challenge, but it gets easier with time.

Here are some examples of sentences I wrote for myself:

“That wasn’t the perfect coaching session because we didn’t accomplish our original objectives, but I am still okay because the client had a couple of big aha moments.”

“I’m not the best presenter because I didn’t have the best cadence or posture, but I am still okay because I connected with the audience – people came up to me to tell me how inspired they were by what I shared.”

Stepping into our authenticity is stepping into our real power.” ~ Henna Inam Tweet This!

Our authenticity is the source of our power

As we let go of the need to succeed every time, we have less anxiety, take more risks, and start to see every challenge as a learning opportunity vs. a proving opportunity.  We can also appreciate the complimentary skill sets of others while accepting their flaws.  As we get more comfortable in our own skin, we can help others be more comfortable in theirs.

Once we accept ourselves with our flaws, it doesn’t make us complacent. It actually helps us move forward with greater confidence.  Ironically, accepting ourselves just as we are is the greatest catalyst to our own growth.  Embracing our inner loser unleashes our inner superhero – because we are less afraid to just be ourselves.  Stepping into our authenticity is stepping into our real power.


Your Thought Leadership is the Compass of your Leadership

 Your-Thought-Leadership-is-the-Compass-of-your-Leadership-Tanvi-BhattLeaders make News – Thought Leaders…History

Leaders are many; but thought leaders indeed are  rare and distinguished breed. They may hail from the most unexpected echelons of life, and yet get immortalized as Icons; Icons who changed the world.

It does not matter who they were; but what they do. A true thought leader is someone who envisions the day after tomorrow, today; and evangelizes the world towards it. Change is the soul of thought leadership; your thought leadership is the soul of your leadership; devoid of which your leadership journey is set on a compass that points nowhere.

If Leadership be your journey; your thought leadership is the compass you must own! ” ~ Tanvi Bhatt Tweet this!

The 3 strategies that empower your thought leadership to navigate your leadership sojourn are:

Branding Your Leadership

If thou matters; show me how!  In the journey of leadership, the destination is not as important as the reason thereof. The most important strategy while playing leadership is envisioning a journey worth taking; in other words branding the story of your leadership and its contribution in making this world a better place.

Your Thought Leadership is your Brand. Period. How you lead the change and grow your brand by mastering the art of leadership is what legacies are made of. In this journey your thought leadership will serve as the magical compass, which will always guide you to achieve your brand’s beloved.

The 5 traits of thought leaders who transform their passion into a legacy by leading their community, their organization, their world towards the change are:

  1. Passionate Perseverance: Passion prevails profession. But when the twain meet: Thought Leadership is born.  If thought leadership is your calling: Either adopt your passion as profession or grow to love your profession. Following your passion, with relentless perseverance is the hallmark of a true thought leader.
  2. Ideation fixation: When you are in love with your work: It rains Ideas. Ideas that empower you to create, claim and dominate that one big Idea that becomes your Brand. Get drenched in the idea deluge till that big idea peeks out and bestows some warm sunshine on you.
  3. Super-Human Self Conviction: Every BIG Idea is first ridiculed, opposed and rejected before being celebrated. As a thought leader, self-belief is your super power. “I guarantee there’ll be tough times, I guarantee at some point, you will crave a way out, BUT I also guarantee that if you do not uphold this insane self conviction paradigm, then you will regret it for the rest of your life; because you do know in your heart, this is what you are meant to do!”
  4. Inspiring Change: Does your idea inspire a change in the world? Brilliant! Now be the change. Thought Leaders aren’t preachers; but doers. ‘Think, Do, Inspire Action’ is the mantra for you.
  5. Eternal Commitment: Your thought leadership is the raison d’être of Brand YOU. Staying true and committed to this purpose of your life is critical to your brand, even after being hailed as the messiah of change.

Living your Leadership

Lead all you may; but where to? Your thought leadership compass is due at north for the Brand YOU. But is it exactly where your tribe also wishes to go? The second strategy to adopt while living your leadership is leading the world to the place they wish to go to-and not where you wish to take them to! The Golden Rule of Leadership is to know the answer to the singular most important question in your tribe’s mind: ‘What’s in it for me?’ It is your leadership’s moral responsibility to empower them to lead their lives to their next milestone. Know thy answer and ensure they understand it as well; lest you do that, you might end up north-alone or maybe not at all.

Leadership, when set upon together is a beautiful journey. It’s a journey where the power of ‘we’ is amplified to its best by your tribe; because unless there is a ‘we’, the leader’s ‘I’ factor matters naught. You truly become a leader only when you are a part of this ‘we’; only when you have something to offer that truly resonates with the needs and desires of the ‘we’; only then you shall get the chance to embark upon your journey of leading the ‘we’, and thus living your leadership. So, my dear friend, if you do not inspire the ‘we’; rest all becomes a moot point.

Growing your Leadership

Like Life, Like Brands, Leadership must evolve. Like your dreams, hopes, aspirations, passions and destinations, your brand and your thought leadership must also evolve-must move forward perpetually. Thought leadership is anything but a onetime fixation to accomplish a journey. Leaders may not always be thought leaders; but thought leaders are leaders forever. They are fuelled with an insatiable desire to lead the world to the day after tomorrow, every single day-even during the brightest dawns and the darkest nights. In the true thought leader’s day, even after the sunset, his thought leadership compass illuminates his journey up to the next dawn, and the day after’s, and so on.

The third and the best kept secret of the most iconic thought leaders is Growth: ‘They do more of less.’ My personal advice to each one of you reading this is to do exactly that: Grow the thought leadership of your leadership—‘Focus on the focus of your brand’s thought leadership; then every single day again focus on how to leverage on this focus to continually dominate and own your brand’s thought leadership.’ Simply put: Build and Nurture the singular Idea Tree of your Thought Leadership that is empowered to flourish come what may. Every day religiously water this tree and let it grow one more leaf that further amplifies that expanse and benevolence of your thought leadership. When you look back, I promise, you shall witness a beautiful legacy of your thought leadership growing and flourishing every single day-under the dedicated aegis of your leadership and commitment to its growth.

Leadership becomes a fascinating experience and not a liability when you brand it with your thought leadership. My closing words for you: Thou are not born to follow, but lead; and not just lead a few men, but the world through a glorious experience of your brand, your thought leadership…All you need is that compass pointing right towards this very change you seek.

Are We Over Grooming Our Leaders?

are-we-over-grooming-our-leaders-Karin-Hurt“Stop grooming me!”
“I don’t want to be like you.”
“I don’t want to lose the core of who I am.”
“I want to lead like me, not you!”
“My team has damn good results and they are happy… just how is my “smiling less” going to help the situation?”
“Will pricey shoes really make a difference?”
[Read more…]

Leadership Evolution – The Missing Link

Leadership-Evolution-The-Missing-Link-Kimunya-MugoAbout eight years ago, I attended a job interview. It was your typical run-of-the-mill affair. The panelists just wanted to confirm that I was whom I said I was on my resume. The questions came at me fast and furious. “What is your main weakness? How do you cope when you are under pressure?” The scene was akin to the Spanish inquisition!

One thing bothered me throughout the interview. There was something wrong with the whole approach. It seemed none of the interview panelists was interested in knowing ‘who’ I am: the core of my person that is my heart, soul, and passion. Their focus was on ‘what’ I was. What had I done? What was I bringing into the organization? What this, what that… At some point, I was ready to walk off in protest if anyone of them uttered another ‘what’!

Fortunately, I got a small gap at the tail end of the interview. “Do you have anything you’d like to ask us?” asked one panelist. “More like something I want to share with you,” I replied excitedly! “I just wanted to let you know that I have a young family and my first baby on the way,” I began. Four bewildered faces stared back at me. It was like some tiny hamsters were furiously running tiny wheels in their cranium. Good sign, I had their undivided attention. “You see,” I began, “My family is central to my life and work. If any of them squeaks, I jump. They are my first priority.” You should have seen the baffled looks on their faces! It was like I had just walked into the dentist’s with a major cavity in my tooth while chewing on candy.

That is why I started to ask this question. Isn’t it time that recruiters looked beyond the papers? Some do, but where I come from not many. Now, in any recruitment process I am involved in, I try hard to learn as much as I can about an individual’s background. To try to know the person in a deeper way that goes beyond their talents and qualifications. Why is this important to me?

Human beings abhor vacuum

I find a disconnect between work and family. There seems to be an assumption that as long as one can perform well at their duties in there workplace, then they can move up the ranks and become leaders. For a few, this may be true. However, it is paramount to remember that leaders can’t develop in a vacuum. They only grow and thrive in context of their background; community and family. If any of these relationships are broken, chaos is the most probable outcome.

In mid-February this year, Kenya carried out her first-ever presidential debate. What stood out for me was not the normal political rhetoric. I was stunned when the candidates could not respond to a simple question, “Who are you?”

None could provide a credible response. They fumbled through their answers, reciting their qualifications, what they had done, hadn’t done or what they could do. None talked about growing up, or their family interactions. They came across hollow as an owl’s hoot in the dead of the night.

It left me wondering if we are molding ‘whos’ or ‘whats’. It may have been that they are driven to believe that if they have the credentials, then that could transform into credible leaders.

Leaders don’t tell a better story, they make a story better .”~ Kimunya Mugo Tweet this!

Family gives a sense of leadership potential

If you dig a little deeper into a someone’s family background, the probability of determining their leadership potential becomes higher. It exposes their ability to work in a team, to be accountable for their actions or lack thereof, and be open to opinions or different cultures. You are able to appreciate his or her clarity of their roles or responsibilities.

“Superficiality is the curse of courage…the desperate need today is not for the greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people,” notes Richard Foster. Deep people care about transformational leadership. They can be trusted, are more probable to have regular open communication, and tend to have activities outside work that involve family. Team building is a common trait amongst these people.

Susan Thorn puts this very well. “I recently hired a dynamite nurse for a new Case Management Model in a journey toward a patient centered medical home delivery of care model. She does not start for several weeks but we will be having a 7 am breakfast on Friday in my attempt to do just that. Discover how we fit into her work and family. I agree on the family. I have told employers that if ‘I give 100% to my family when they need it, I will always be able to give 100% while I am here’. And I tell my staff the same. Family always comes first!”

When you can say who you are…

This I believe is the missing link in the evolution of a leader. It is that sense of self-awareness. One does not walk around trying to seek power in material things or power. Knowing who you are helps in identifying with a cause and provides an opportunity to lead. Remember, people don’t buy into what you do but why you do it…the missing link in leadership.

There are those who lead. They inspire us. We follow because we want to and not because we have to. Remember, leaders don’t tell a better story, they make a story better.

Are you bridging the missing link in your leadership evolution process? Are you looking for ‘what’ rather than ‘who’? What are you going to do different in your leadership development pursuits? Let’s keep the discussion going…

Power-fuel your Team for Success

Power-fuel-your-Team-for-Success-Frode-HeimenEveryone imagines leading the dream team but few of us get to lead such a team unless we build the team from scratch.  A team that has never played together will never play up to its potential in any sport—or business.  So how do we make the magic happen?

In this blog post, I will demonstrate a few things that work and how they can be implemented immediately out of the toolbox.

  1. Eliminate the “you versus them” mentality.
    You are an equal part of the team. Your role must be to get the best out of the team, so make sure to always use “we” in any form of communication.
  2. Don’t underestimate the power of positive attitude.
    Teach the dramatic effects of a positive attitude and the impact of negativity. Model how each individual team member must consider the entire team. Each team member needs to contribute to the team’s success. If all play by this rule, the entire team will meet their goals and take care of each other as well.
  3. Encourage freedom to improve.
    If team members have ideas for improvement, create a space to test them out. Your job as a team leader is to eliminate obstacles to include company policies that prevent your team from meeting goals and achieving success.
  4. Focus on what matters.
    Learn the 80/20 rule and teach your team the concept. Find the 20% of errors that cause 80% of the trouble. Make sure the team knows how to prioritize and why.
  5. Buy some books!
    Create a small library of books relevant for your trade. Carefully select 2 or 3 copies of 15-20 trade books and keep expanding. Knowledge is never out of fashion. A growing library will improve understanding and creativity. Never stop learning and expanding your fund of knowledge unless you want your competition to drive by you while you’re in the pit stop!
  6. What matters to the company?
    Teach your team what’s considered important to you and your company and WHY—always remember the why. Your team will accept a change in task that now takes them 5 minutes longer to accomplish if they understand how it will save 10 minutes elsewhere in the company.
  7. Don’t keep secrets!
    Share your numbers! Let the team know how the company is doing. Whatever you make visible will improve. Try setting up two call centers, one with a queue-monitor and one without. Your team hates bad numbers just as much as you do.
  8. Don’t forget to include surprises and celebrations!
    Arrange a surprise lunch or show up with ice cream on a warm day. Run around in a batman costume just for the fun of it. Hide the bonus payout in an envelope taped underneath the desk. Of course, you can’t do this every day, but you can do it to show you care.
  9. Schedule no-agenda meetings.
    Give your team opportunities to voice their frustrations with the system or discuss new ideas. As a team leader, your job is to stay silent and LISTEN!
  10.  Welcome new members.
    This is a good time for cake and flowers. Most companies recognize employees with flowers when they leave. Well, it is much nicer to show gratitude when people arrive. Make sure that each team member also schedules a “one-on-one” meeting with you to get to know you as the team leader. Encourage present team members to be a vital part of training new team members.
  11. Teach the team about motivation.
    Learn how motivation works and empower your team with the tools to motivate each other.
  12. Thank their spouse/partner.
    If you have a team member who leaves their loved ones at home often because of late hours—here is a killer tip. Write a thank-you note to the one left at home thanking them for their patience. Explain to them how much you appreciate their sacrifice and/or flexibility. If you can’t be honest about it, skip it. But if you choose to write a thank-you note, don’t overdo it. Handwritten addressed notes should be directed to the spouse/partner and not your team member. How about a bonus gift or check to them?
  13. Winners are welcome!
    Be confident! If your team members are the best, tell them! Strive to be the best by hiring the best! Hire people with a positive attitude who pursue excellence.
  14. Help your team members build their careers!
    If members of your team dream of promotions, help them get it. If you contribute to others’ success, they will respect you. People will want to work on your team as you not only develop talent, but because you’re deeply committed to building their personal careers.

To become a great team leader you need to acquire skills in motivation, coaching and human behavior.” ~ Frode Heimen Tweet this!

You might be surprised to learn what really motivates high performance in people.

Knowledge and relationships are two key words to always remember. Build relationships and a thirst for knowledge, and you will create teams that outperform their competition over and over again.

Remember this is not an overnight delivery.  Building a team takes time.  Turning results around is not magic and it’s not impossible. Engaged employees outperform the average employee by far.  Remember to make sure your team is the engaged one.

What is your best power-fuel?


Break Out of the Leadership Comfort Zone

Break-Out-of-the-Leadership-Comfort-Zone-Alli-PolinWe all like to spend time there: the Comfort Zone.  It’s the place where we are the most in control, we know our strengths, can minimize our weaknesses, it’s clear what’s coming around the corner, and we’re the experts on how to handle it masterfully.

Imagine, that before work every day, you eat the same cereal for breakfast for an entire year.  You love it; it’s your absolute favorite cereal.   It tastes good, it’s healthy and you know just the right amount to pour into your bowl even with your eyes closed.  The funny thing is, after a while, even your favorite becomes boring.  I hate to say it but maybe it’s not the cereal that’s become boring, but instead it’s you, living in a rut, that’s boring.

I may not have eaten the same breakfast cereal everyday, but my life in the Washington DC suburbs was definitely a predictable routine.  It was a busy cycle of kids, work, family, friends and I was constantly on the run as I made a daily valiant effort to get it all done.  In mid 2012 everything changed when I moved to the Australian Outback.  Talk about leaving my comfort zone!  The move enabled me to see life, work and leadership with fresh eyes.

Good news! You don’t need to be radical and move to the other side of the world to break out of your leadership comfort zone and move beyond the status quo.

Create Some Shake It Up Inspiration

It may feel awkward at first, but variation in your work “uniform” will actually give you, and your team, new energy.  Put on some silly socks, a bright tie or a vibrant shirt that you love.   Even small shake ups, when intentional, act as touchstones for our intention to be more open-minded, collaborative or just bring some lightness to an otherwise predictable routine.

Change Your Routine, Change Your Perspective

When we’re really stuck, the range of solutions available to us from inside of our comfort zone is limited.  Instead of staying in your routine, take a walk, drive a new way home from the office, go somewhere new for your afternoon coffee or hit the gym.  Focusing our attention outside of our heads and outside of our routines frequently shakes loose the inspiration we’re seeking.

Surprise Your Team

Leaders set the tone for their team and you may be unintentionally holding your team in the comfort zone with you.  Meetings are the perfect opportunity to surprise the team with new approaches to facilitate group discussion, brainstorming and decision-making.

Move beyond the status report to true interaction where people step up, share ideas and are accountable for collaboration. ~ Alli Polin Tweet this!

Action a Book

There are some amazing books on leadership out there – too many to read this week or this year.  For busy leaders, a great way to shift perspectives and grow their leadership wheelhouse is to read a book.  However, reading and having tons of ah-has are not enough to spark change.  Change happens when the ideas and approaches are put into action.  Stepping outside of the comfort zone and into new skills will mean failing along the way too.  Marry the failure with learning and the book has transformed from words on a page into leadership with impact.

Trade in Boring for Innovation and Adventure

Risk can be a scary word when we’re deeply entrenched in the comfort of the status quo.  As a leader, why should you foster innovation if you and your organization are successful today?  There are 100 companies right behind you and ready to undercut you on price for similar products and services.  Clients eyes glaze over after a while when the only differentiator is price.  Break out of the comfort zone and start with doing something different, not just making incremental improvements to today’s processes and products.

Create a Vision that Sparkles Like the North Star

Every leader needs to have a clear vision for what’s possible, the collective “why” for everyone’s hard work and effort.   Instead of sharing a vision that is bottom-line driven only (increase revenue) create a vision that connects to both hearts and minds.  How do you connect to hearts?  Leave the bullet points and PowerPoint at home and tell a story.  Stop hiding behind the comfort of statistics and charts!  Stories are the bridge to enroll, engage and inspire people to be a part of a compelling future.

Give yourself permission to still eat your cereal, wear your favorite tie and grab a cappuccino at your favorite Starbucks; just mix it up for some extraordinary leadership results.   

How has the comfort zone held you back from being an exceptional leader?  When have you been pushed outside of your comfort zone and what did you discover?

Bravado Or Bravery?

Bravado-Or-Bravery-Janine-GarnerMany of us only show a certain percentage of ourselves in social situations – the extent to which we are comfortable revealing our true personalities. I don’t think anyone would begrudge us this; after all, there is only so much one can share of oneself to those we don’t know very well.

But when it comes to the workplace, and giving of oneself in terms of performance – many are showing only the tip of the iceberg, and are not willing to expose the other seven-eighths of their ability and professionalism that lie beneath a slick, smooth surface.

Let bravery be thy choice, but not bravado – Menando

If someone asked you, how would you answer this question:

Are you brave in the way you do your job – or just full of bravado?

Both seem like similar concepts. They are almost identical words after all – so how could they be so different in practice?

Bravado. Being full of bluster and pretense, and false promises. The business culture of ‘I will give enough to look as though I am performing above expectations whilst secretly cruising my way to tomorrow, or next week – or my next role’.

If you have the ability to be one of the best, don’t waste it. ~ Janine Garner Tweet this!

Bravado is being content to sit on one’s hands while nodding furiously and giving every indication of leading change. It is ‘fake it while you make it’; not engaging wholly nor giving completely – despite having the ability to do so.

Bravery on the other hand is stepping not necessarily always outside the square, but along the edges of the business square. Questioning your own position and take on leadership. Constantly learning and posing new sets of challenges for oneself in terms of professional standards and goals.

Bravery is striving to be a change maker and improve the way things are done within the company, the sector, within the industry.

Bravery is reaching out to fellow leaders and those who are willing to shape policy and procedure, and give one hundred percent to drive business forward in an ethical and productive way.

Now, more than ever, the time has come within corporate to show your true colours as a leader. We are coming back to the real, to the authentic, and to the transparent. The ability to lead by example is absolutely critical to success in a market that is cynical and sick of inflated salaries – and inflated egos. So those who through fear or simple laziness are not willing to give one hundred percent of their business selves need to re-think their position.

Drop the much ‘ado’ about nothing.

And become one of the brave.

Successful Leaders Make Their Own LUCK!

Successful-Leaders-Make-Their-Own-Luck-Ray-AttiyahA famous line from Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry asks, “Do you feel lucky?” So on this St. Patrick’s Day – a day full of celebration, parades, festivals, feasting and, of course, the wearing of green; where people around the world wish for and toast to “good luck” – I ask you “Do you feel lucky?”

Each of us has experienced luck at some time or other in our lives but today’s challenge for leaders and for people everywhere is to “Make your own luck!”

Luck happens when opportunity and planning intersect.” ~ Ray Attiyah Tweet this!

By definition luck means “Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.” Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying “The harder I work the luckier I get.” What I have learned, though, is luck happens when opportunity and planning intersect.  This means you can actually create your own luck by creating more opportunities.

One of the best ways to create more opportunities is to look for those lucky charms – those quality people, those top performers, with new ideas and a passion to try new ventures. Fill your bench with those lucky charms, gather them to your organization, spend planned time getting to know them, create an environment where they can connect with each other and then watch the sparks of collaboration and innovation grow.

Eliminate the mind-set of “What if…?” (chance) and start each day with an attitude of “What will it take to…?” (choice)

Allow these individuals to become the “super connectors” in your organization.  Choose to take bold purposeful actions toward successfully implementing their ideas and expect failures to be part of the process.  Eliminate the mind-set of “What if…?” (chance) and start each day with an attitude of “What will it take to…?” (choice).

Ways to overcome the “What if….?” mentality (moving up the rainbow):

 TRUST – build relationships of mutual respect; listen and invest time in people; I’ve always said trust is the lubricant of the most efficient systems

  • COMMUNICATION – share standards, expectations, challenges, goals, vision and other information openly and often
  • OWNERSHIP – allow employees to “own” their jobs; engage them in the process
  • MOTIVATION – lead by example; model right behaviors; recognize and reward efforts
Ways to encourage a “What will it take to….?” mind-set (sliding down the rainbow):

QUESTIONS – change what questions you ask and how you ask them; questions say a lot about our priorities and should focus on the activity, the action, and the situation not the employee or his/her intentions; ask questions that spark confidence and influence peak performance behaviors

  • QUICK WINS – simplify processes and remove immediate obstacles; build momentum and confidence; become a catalyst to transfer energy across the organization
  • PROACTIVE IMPROVEMENTS – leaders need to get out of the day-to-day running of the business (stop fire-fighting and micro-managing); start looking to fix what’s not broken; proactive improvements set the stage for management to make bold promises to customers knowing the organization will be able to deliver
  • POSITIONING/SCOUTING – position people for success in their most-value-added roles; continuously recruit top talent both inside and outside the organization; attract the best and then keep them inspired

The results of this transition from leadership by chance to leadership by choice are amazing! “

By choosing the right combination of people, planning, positioning and proactive purpose organizations find promise in what the future holds. They no longer have to wonder what’s on the other side of the rainbow, as they experience and celebrate each day with a new pot of gold full of confidence, creativity, customer loyalty and more.

And, if you’re lucky (or not) you may also experience the ultimate achievement – finding yourself and your organization at the bottom of a second rainbow striving for even higher levels of performance, excellence and growth!

So I’ll ask again, “Do you feel lucky?”  Who are those lucky charms in your organization and what have you done to connect and inspire them?  What are those proactive improvements you and your team are actively pursuing?  What bold promises have you made to your customers to challenge your team and to create new opportunities?  What are you doing today, this week, this month, this year to make your own luck?

What can zombies teach us about Leadership?

What-can-zombies-teach-us-about-leadership-Colleen-JollyWe create monsters that represent and reflect our culture’s prevailing fears. We then vilify those monsters by celebrating their inhumanity (even though those monsters often are or were considered human) and destruction in order to repair the perceived or potential transgression away from “normal” society.  Edward Ingebretsen in his book, “At Stake: Monsters and the Rhetoric of Fear in Public Culture,” claims that “monsters serve as convenient tokens whose narratives contain trauma as well as solution; they provide easy answers to intractable problems.”

We use monsters to declare our problems by using extreme caricatures that violate the boundaries of normal society. In fact, we use those monsters—those extremes—to clearly mark out the restrictions of what a society will accept as normal. These monsters can be the stuff of horror movies, or they can be men, women, and children who have done something monstrous and so transcended society’s levels of acceptance. We are terrified of these culturally agreed to and created monsters because they are the antithesis of our society. We also need them, however, because they remind us of the limits we have implicitly agreed to abide by in order to be a part of that society. Without monsters, we literally do not know what to fear nor do we know what the acceptable social limits are within our culture and society.

Zombies are not a new cultural phenomenon. Stories of formerly dead persons living again, either under the control of someone else or otherwise completely devoid of reason, are present in histories and even some religious beliefs throughout the world.  The specifics of each type of zombie, including how to become one and what happens after transforming into one, are relevant to those cultures and those time periods. Why, then, have zombies come “back to life” and reemerged into the pop culture limelight within the United States (US) and other western cultures—if not the entire world?

Modern, pop-culture zombies as seen in popular movies and television shows are driven by their basest instinct—food. Entering Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (as published in “A Theory of Human Motivation”) at the bottom of the physiological rung within a typical human’s pyramid of needs, they have no other motivation other than to feed. Zombies do not possess a need for safety, belonging, or esteem; and, with the possible exception of the movie “Warm Bodies”, no zombie shows any reflection of self-actualization.

Zombies are what our parents warned us we’d become if we watched too much television, fell prey to peer pressure, or simply subscribed to a dangerous status quo. Today, are we actually worried about the dead rising and eating the brains of the living? Most of us are not, but what we are worried about is mindless homogeny. We are worried about the loss of drive and creativity, of self-actualization, and of the ability to actively participate in life as either a leader or an active and engaged follower. We are worried about the collapse of our society through the loss of our individuality, as well as the loss of our own culturally defined humanity which has significantly more layers, needs, and complex relationships then the zombie’s which is simply “to eat.”

As a global community united by mostly westernized pop culture, we are concerned about a generation of mindlessness—or perhaps the lack of mindfulness

We are worried about people standing by while atrocities happen, or as corporations and governments choose greed and self-interest while the multitudes suffer the negative repercussions. The fact that we currently see so many references to zombies in pop culture—often intricately related to the collapse of modern life, including the breakdown of communication, loss of safety, and scarcity of resources—means that we are very concerned about this issue. We need to wake up and shake off our zombie-like nature and be actively engaged in our lives, our businesses, and our communities.

We can no longer allow ourselves to be marginalized by our own willful ignorance, a contagion that is sweeping the world faster than any zombie-inducing virus. 

What zombies teach us about leadership is that we are in desperate need of leaders and of actively engaged followers. By their nature, zombies lack the self-actualization and creativity to lead, as well as the drive to be actively devoted to following a person, movement, or idea. These monsters point out our problems, but they also describe our solutions; and it is our current cultural fascination with them that is also our call to action. We must eradicate this “virus” of mindlessness, of zombification, and become leaders in our own lives whether that is from forging our own path or becoming an adherent, a follower, of a cause we believe in. Only then can we be free of this particular monster.

 We create monsters that represent and reflect our culture’s prevailing fears. ~Colleen Jolly Tweet this