Leading from the Driver’s Seat

Leading From The Drivers SeatOne of my favorite quotes about change comes from psychologist R.D. Laing. He said “We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.” I’m not sure when he made this observation, but since he passed in 1989 it was at least 20 years ago. However, his words still ring true, especially today when the pace of change continues to get faster.

Let’s think about what Laing said, especially “we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.” Picture that. It’s like driving your car but instead of looking at the road right in front of you, you only look through the rear view mirror. So you only see things after you have already passed them! Fortunately nobody drives a car this way – but many people do drive organizations this way.

Looking at the past is something business leaders have been trained to do. We look at the previous quarter’s earnings to see how business is doing. We look at annual performance for the previous year to see how well the organization met its goals, and then we plan for the future based on information from the past. Of course, it can be helpful to learn from the past, but this should not be the extent of an organization’s learning and planning efforts.

When you look behind, you can see what has changed. But how much does that really help you plan for the future? When you’re driving, it’s not very helpful to see that the light you just went through is now red, especially if the one in front of you is turning yellow and will be red before you reach it. You might see that a car is following you too closely, but if all your attention is focused on that car you might go through a red light, or miss your turn, or even crash into a car in front of you. When you are driving, it’s important to be aware of all your surroundings, but the most important area for attention is what is in front of you – immediately, as well as down the road. Your destination is also important, unless you like driving around without going anywhere in particular.

The same is true for organizations. You have to have a specific destination, or goal, in mind. You have to drive the organization toward this goal, watching out for obstacles in the road in front of you, and anticipating issues that may come up further down the road. You have to be mindful that conditions might change, and you have to be ready to react quickly to those changes. As the organizational leader, you are in the driver’s seat. You can think of everyone else in the organization as the vehicle that gets you there, but without your direction they won’t know where to go, how fast or when to change course.

I see many organizational leaders that are too focused on the road behind them, or looking out the side window to see whether the competition is passing them. But it is only by looking forward, sometimes far ahead, will they see not only obstacles but also opportunities that can lead to new value creation and innovation. Like a surprise shortcut or a rewarding side trip, these opportunities are only seen by those who are looking for them, and looking forward.

This ability to look forward and see opportunities is the process of “strategic foresight.” Strategic foresight helps you identify the global drivers and industry trends that are driving change, as well as how customer behavior is changing. With this information, you can plan for different scenarios – instead of merely reacting to change – and foresee customer needs before the competition does.  It’s a skill that all organizational leaders must have if they hope to grow their organization organically through innovation.

Connect with Kamal Hassan: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Leadership: It is not about you! Get over it.

LeadershipLeadership is not just a title; and a leadership title, does not necessarily make someone a leader. There are many unsung people in every organisation who exercise the attributes of a leader everyday without the recognition of title. These are the ones who take ownership for their own area of the organisation. They do the best they can to fulfill the cause or vision.  They are often un-thanked, forgotten, and overlooked.

What a leader needs to remember is that they are not the most important person in the organisation. A great leader is more concerned with the vision and cause of the organisation than their own position.

A great leader does not want or need people to think like them, but rather to be able to freely think for themselves. The Japanese poet/philosopher, Matsuo Bashō 1644–1694 says, “Do not seek to follow the footsteps of men of old.  Seek what they sought!”

This is a great lesson that is often overlooked. Do not wish to be like the leader, rather seek the vision that they have and own it for yourself. The difficulty begins where there exists an egocentric leader in charge. The egocentric leader will see the up-and-coming leader as a threat to their own position and will do all they can to alienate and disempower the new leader.

Failure to train, empower, and trust up-and-coming leaders within the organisation will ultimately lead to the failure of it to set or achieve long term societal changing goals. By not establishing clear succession plans the organisation may be doomed to disappear.

The focus of any organisation is to fulfill the vision that has been set. The role of the leader is to see that it happens. When the leader forgets about the cause to focus on the position then it is like a ship out of control heading for danger.

There are risks in leadership, tough decisions need to be made at times and someone will be accountable for them. For the leader to be so engrossed in their own stature and direction that they forget to listen to and trust subordinates is a disaster waiting to happen.

Leadership requires trust in a team of people, people who are like-purposed not like-minded. For there to be great decisions made, great debate must take place. There should be differences of opinions, clashes of wills, and challenges faced.

An egocentric leader will surround themselves with like-minded people, dare I say “yes men”, who will just blindly follow the leader wherever they go without questioning them. This is a highly dangerous situation and I would suggest if you find yourself in that situation look for the exits now.

If you are the leader, take some time out over the next few days to question yourself. Ask yourself “why did I accept this role?” “How important is the vision to me now?” “Is there someone else who could take over from me if I wasn’t around?” Now take action on your answers.

Connect with Paul S. Allen: WebsiteTwitter | LinkedIn

The People Will All Say, “We did this ourselves!”

Leadership - We did it“A leader is best when neither seen nor heard; Not so good when adored or glorified; Worst when hated and despised. Fail to honor people, they will fail to honor you; But of a good leader, when his (or her) work is done; The aim fulfilled; The people will all say: “We did this ourselves.” (Lao Tse).

Lao-Tse emphasizes peace of mind and tranquility of the spirit. He stresses how important it is to be one with nature because it provides positive character. He regards genuineness, sincerity, and spontaneity to be “natural” characteristics which people are born with and possess. Yet, he claims these qualities are destroyed through education and cultural influences.

In addition, he explains how a person is able to dismiss all authority except for the authority of self and a personal God. In this case, God is understood to be everything in nature. Thus, people who know and respect the authority of their inner nature know where they belong.

Leadership is the process of defining a vision and the guiding and inspiring others to reach that vision. Leaders, establish direction, align people and motivate and inspire people to complete the vision despite any obstacles they may face along the way.

In times of change, executives and managers alike make the mistake of thinking that if people are ordered to change, they will. This is a tragic misunderstanding of human behavior and often leads managers and executives to respond like drill sergeants. We, as humans, do not change simply from gaining information, people change because they support and trust their leaders.

Leadership is crucial, core values like integrity, excellence and respect or people are extremely important. To shape, define and sustain a winning culture you need to improve some attributes:

  • Vision.
  • Strategic Direction.
  • Prioritization.
  • Multi-functional Engagement.
  • Teamwork.
  • Accountability.
  • Analysis.
  • Problem solving.
  • Getting to action.
  • Excitement.

To lead effectively is important to do several things well:

  • Listen and understand your people´s needs.
  • Develop them into stronger and better employees.
  • Inspire them from their hearts.
  • Find ways to support them with what they need.
  • Encourage team members to take heart and do the hard things.
  • Recognize their achievements.

To get the best results from your team or from a group of people, a leader has to care about excellence. You have to show the way and help people understand what´s possible. To deliver the highest quality results, a leader has to set high standards and live up to them.

When a team member gives an outstanding effort, a strong leader shows appreciation and says “Thank you”. Give thanks for the moment, and you´ll capture it forever. Imagine how someone would feel if you didn’t. The person might feel that you don´t value for their hard work. So don´t wait, notice the positive thing your people are doing. Tell them how much you appreciate it.

A leader, has a vital relationship with the other members of the team. These people will give their best effort if they know, like and trust the leader. They´ll be loyal to the leader and the team because the leader is loyal to them.

You also need to develop these same factors in yourself, this self-development will focus on two areas: leadership skills, and the personal strengths of leaders, which are two very different things. You aren’t born with personal strengths, you begin developing these behavior patterns while growing up. And you continue to get stronger as you use them throughout adult life to cope with the challenge of work and life.

Connect with  Oscar Capote Agudo : Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

The Ultimate Personal Success Plan

Success PlanThe blogosphere is currently flooded with information on goal setting and New Year’s resolutions, but lets be honest, goal setting is not enough to be successful…you need a plan. At the beginning of 2011 I wrote about my 2011 Personal Success Plan.  I had a many wins and some losses in my 2011 goals, but overall, I am a better person and I achieved a lot more because of my plan. This year I have made a number of changes to help guarantee a successful 2012. The changes are not just aesthetic, but in how I manage my success, execute on the goals, keep motivation, track progress, and hold myself accountable.

Ben Stein beautifully said, “The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:  Decide what you want.” This image to the left serves as the basis for stating what you, “want out of life”, or more specifically, what you want out of the year.  I value this document because it serves as a singular focal point to all I want to accomplish in the year (Read on to receive a template for yourself). Each of the parts are important to the success of the whole. I suggest you open up the image in another window to lok at as you read.

The Success Plan

The first part of the success plan is this success plan document. This is a Microsoft Word document that holds everything that is important for defining my goals. I will not use this document for tracking, but for defining and planning. Tracking comes later. Here are the parts of this “defining” document:

1. Annual Vision

I debated on what to call this section, but ultimately decided it was almost like a mini BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). It was not a definite goal, because goals ultimately define what your overall success looks like.  It is a statement that is meant to define what I will become and what I will look like when I complete all my goals. It serves as the inspiration to WHY I’m doing this and WHAT I will become when I am successful. It is written as if it already happened, setting the mental image and motivation for the hard-work ahead.  My vision statement for 2012 is “2012 was a launching-point for a better future and a better me. I have set positive habits for the future that will make me a better father, a better husband, and a better friend. I have strengthened my professional reputation as an innovative, solid, and proven leader and I have become more spiritually in-tune and financially stable.”

2. Mission Statement

Developing a personal mission statement takes some time, but once you have it, it will serve as a guide for all your actions. I feel it is important to state this on the personal success plan because it is my “code of conduct” and guides me as I execute and as I come to problems throughout the year. Leaving this out leaves a big hole in the plan. My personal mission statement is, “I will not accept status quo and as such will seek after that which is efficient and effective in all areas my life, but never at the expense of my relationships.  I will focus on that which is important versus that which is critical.  I will be teachable and will strive to always learn new things that will help me reach my full-potential.  I will act with Integrity at all times and will treat others as they would like to be treated.  I will look for the good in all I experience, and remember all the blessings that I have been given.” Take the time to develop your own, it will be well worth it.

3. Values (Areas of Focus)

My values are actually listed in 2 places, for 2 different reasons. In my mission statement I actually list values that are important to me. You do not have to do this, but you can. These values are more guiding to my life. Right above my mission statement I list the values that I will be focusing on in 2012. These could be called my areas of focus. My focus’ for 2012 are: Relationships, Spirituality, Intellectual Stimulation, Financial Success, Physical Wellness, Professional Growth, Giving Back, & Renewal. These help me to categorize my lower-level goals into groups that are easier to track and help me to see how everything fits together. The image is meant to remind me that everything contributes to the whole of who I am and who I want to become.

4. Lead Measures (Goals)

Lead measures are something I talk about in detail in my book. But basically they are smaller goals that predict the success of a higher goal. In my case, the higher goal is my annual vision. The beauty of a lead measure is that, assuming you set the right lead measures, when you complete them, you will have accomplished your goal. My lead measures are organized according to my areas of focus. They are all written as if I was in the future looking back. They are positive and stated what I have accomplished, not what I want to accomplish. Kind of the same thing but a mental difference.

5. Vision Board

Below my lead measures is a small vision board with images that remind me why I am doing these goals. I did not change this over last year, because my focus areas are the same. I know a lot of people put a crazy amount of effort into this part alone, but for me it is a mental reminder of the what is important in this plan.

6. The Reward (The Clincher)

This is probably the biggest change to the plan this year. One of the problems I saw with this plan was motivation. The thrill of achievement sometimes just isn’t enough, even for those like myself that are motivated by achievement. So the reward concept was brought in. It took me a while to come-up with a reward that would be motivational enough to keep me going, but a trip to Europe or Asia is what did it for me. There was one other problem with the reward. You see the vision accomplishment could be subjective. I don’t necessarily have to complete ALL my lead measures to accomplish my annual vision. So I am going to have to prove myself to a board of 4 people. I am going to have to keep records and track my progress. My “board” will consist of a financial expert, a business expert, a relationship expert and one other wild-card.  Only a unanimous decision will result in the reward. This is a kind of kick-in-the-rear, motivation also. I have to be a success in others’ eyes, not just my own.

Some Important Steps in Creating Your Success Plan

1. Take time to make sure the goals are right for you and what you want to accomplish. It took me over a month to nail down all my goals.

2. Talk to others about your goals. I have a personal performance partner that spent loads of time questioning me and helping me to narrow and define my goals better. The best thing I did was have a meeting with my wife to talk to her about my goals and get her feedback. Some of my goals changed because of that meeting and she is now vested in my success and we worked out some details to the execution that I had not thought of. Depending on who your goals touch, will determine who you should talk to.

3. Push yourself. I told a friend the other day that I felt like a very small person about to climb a very big mountain.  I am scared of my goals. Once that fear came on, I knew I had pushed my goals far enough to make me a much better person. I know they are all achievable as well. If you are not scared of your goals, you are probably not reaching far enough, and therefore you are limiting your capacity to grow.

Execution & Tracking of your Success Plan

I spent a lot of time setting up the processes to make sure that nothing will prevent me from hitting the ground running when I start. I am using a service at http://www.sendrecurring.com/ to schedule emails and text message reminders to myself and to my wife for certain things we need to remind ourselves to do. Until everything becomes a habit and second nature I want to be bugged about it.

The next and most important thing is I let my personal performance partner or accountability partner know about my goals. He will push me, make sure I am on track and not let me waiver. I will be sending reports to him on a weekly basis and we talk on a weekly basis via phone on the goals.  We also email each other on a daily basis regarding important weekly and daily goals or things we are struggling with. I am doing the same for him. This type of relationship is really important to the success of a plan that pushes your comfort level.

Success PlanThe last thing I needed was a system of tracking and measuring my progress. Everyone has to do what is best for them on this.  Some people like to track things on paper, not me. I am in front of the computer most of the time, I prefer typing and I like charts and graphs and percentages and other hard data to look at. I thought about using Excel, but it was going to be too much of a pain. I use Outlook all the time, and while I will be using it for task management and calendaring, it is not good for managing goals and running reports. I ultimately settled on a software program called Goal Enforcer (http://www.goalenforcer.com/).

Goal Enforcer is a mind map based program that’s sole purpose is Goal Management. There are a couple reasons why I chose it. First is because it allowed me a quicker method of inputting (or really importing from excel) my goals. When all my goals are broken down into daily tasks and weekly tasks and unit based tasks I had 3,448 tasks for the year just involving my success plan.  That does not include other things I do. Using excel I was able to knock all the goals into a spreadsheet in a couple hours and import that into Goal Enforcer.

Success PlanGoal Enforcer  integrates with Outlook tasks and beautifully setup all my tasks for the entire year on the appropriate days. It also imports from Outlook, so I can complete my tasks in Outlook and it will update Goal Enforcer.  It also allows me to email a report from within and save it to a remote location, which is good for me as I travel a lot.

Because I have some sub-goals that are daily, resulting in 366 circles under a task, I will not be using the mind-map very much. Instead I will be using the tree view. The tree view allows me to quickly click tasks that are done, update the percentage, if it is that type of goal, and easily add notes or logs to the task. I will be using this daily and weekly in my planning sessions. I can also attach files or website links to a task if I am using another type of log or agenda for something. It is reasonably priced and you can get a free demo and purchase it from http://www.goalenforcer.com/.

Another thing to prevent barriers was I systematized and created processes and checklists for various tasks such as my daily planning agenda, my weekly planning agenda and my social media strategy.

This was a long post and a lot to take in, but I believe there is not anything more important to do for your success, than to develop your own 2012 Personal Success Plan.  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.

If you would like a blank 2012 Success Plan to work your own plan, subscribe the the Slice of Leadership list on the top-right side of this page. I am happy to provide my Daily Planning Agenda, Weekly Planning Agenda, and Social Media /Personal Branding Checklist for those that would like a copy. Just subscribe and request it in the comments below.

I hope that everyone has the most successful year in 2012 that they have ever had.

How Hellboy Helped me be an Inspirational Leader & 5 Keys to Inspirational Communication

Inspirational LeaderLately I have been thinking a lot about inspirational leadership. In this world that focuses on the bad, weak, and the diminishing returns; inspirational leadership can be what separates mediocre performance from exceptional performance, poor morale from positive and productive morale.

Let’s face it, work is not always fun.  That, compounded with the grim hope that many feel in this economy, i.e. that they might never see a brighter future because of the poor performance of their organization, can cause many employees and even leaders to forget about what they are capable of.  They lose sight of their objectives and wallow in the drudgery of daily firefighting.

I recently had the opportunity to speak to an organization whose net worth had dropped a staggering 20% in the last 11 months from an already negative net worth.  Morale was low, trust in the leaders was low and there were a whole host of other problems. After significant financial and operational analysis, we called a company meeting. For hours the night before the meeting, I prepared what I was going to say.  I knew I could not “sugar coat” the problems.  The employees knew it was bad.  At the same time I did not want to point fingers or make the current management look bad.  They were talented and capable people, who just needed some direction. I felt that I needed to inspire them to look beyond the problems and see what the company was capable of.

I used to think that not every leader or manager could be inspirational; I have doubted my ability, like any other leader. I know I can write inspirational and while I have spoken many times to groups, companies or executives and inspired them to look beyond their problems, for some reason this was different too me.  It was a mixed group of people, morale was horribly low, performance was low and the stakes were higher.

The meeting turned out great.  Employees, who we previously thought were hopeless, told members of the management team at various times in the day that they were excited. The hope, that I had yearned to convey, pierced everyone’s mind and a new entity began to emerge out of the dark shroud it had been engulfed in. A line had been drawn in the sand, and everyone knew it was time to forget the past and focus on the future.

Being the process oriented person that I am, I kept thinking about this experience and other presentations I have done in the past, both inspirational and non-inspirational, to see what the keys were to creating inspirational communication.  I know there are many more qualified than I. But I figured that if I could break this down to a process, then I could be abundantly more successful in motivating others to get things done.

Well not just motivating, but inspiring.  I see motivation as getting people moving in a positive direction, I see inspiring them as getting them to move also in a positive direction, but with purpose.  Here is what I came up with that I think should be inclusive items to making one’s communication inspirational.

5 Steps to Inspirational Communication & Becoming An Inspirational Leader

1.       Genuineness
I believe in order to inspire others, you have to believe in what you are trying to convey. If you are trying to be inspirational just for the sake of making yourself look good then people will see through you.  I think genuineness is what can separate a pep talk from inspiring communication.  Being genuine is just being honest about the situation and showing your staff that you understand what is going on and that you care about it.

2.       Facts & Data
Maybe I am odd, but when explaining a situation, I always love a good fact thrown out to back-up the claim. I think that most staff members out there of most companies just have a huge distrust of management. A good fact will help drive your point home and for those not feeling the genuineness, the number will help convert them to the plan you are about to convey. Don’t go overboard on data points, 1 to 3 should be sufficient to help drive your point home.

3.       Labeling
I learned labeling many years ago and it was an eye opener to me. We generally think of labeling as negative, but it can be an amazing tool if used in a positive way. Labeling is easy, you imagine what you want, and you put that label of it on a person or persons. For example saying something like, “You guys are some of the most talented people I have had the privileged of working with; you’re loyal, dedicated, hardworking, and I know that if we can help focus all that talent, we will be <<insert goal>>, (i.e., the largest and most successful…..)”.

You can also use it to insert company qualities that might not be present, but that you want to inspire others to work for, “I can picture a company that has full benefits, generous compensation packages, and where the employees all respect each other and work together to efficiently solve any problem that comes our way.”

The idea with those two examples is to lift one’s vision out of the gutter and make people want to work toward the quality that you just described. This can be very powerful.

4.       Vulnerability
Depending on what type of presentation…. and the audience; vulnerability may be necessary to get through to those that have been severely hurt by your or your companies mismanagement.  Most experts usually preach that a leader has to be confident. I think you can be confident but still show vulnerability.  Vulnerability, when done right, puts your sacrifices and feelings about the condition on par with everyone else’s. It says to them that, we are all in this together.

5.       History and the Heart
History is full of inspiration. Giving people examples of organizations that were able to get out of similar problems or achieve similar types of goals, shows people that you’re not full of hot air and that what you are trying to convey is possible. But there is something that history can do even more, it can touch the heart.  You can see from my other points that they all involve an emotion. When people feel something in their heart, it gives them energy, focus, and the drive to perform better.  It can be a story, a quote or even a video or audio clip.

Late one evening a few days before the presentation I described at the beginning of this post, I was flipping through the channels on the TV in my hotel room.  I came across the end of the movie “Hellboy.”  I don’t watch much TV, but it grabbed my attention. In the last scene of the movie the character John Meyers in a closing narration says: “What makes a man a man? A friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don’t think so. It’s the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them.”

Call me crazy, but that was what I needed.  The group I was talking to could connect to that. I needed to draw a symbolic line in the sand. A line that signified that the past was the past, that the ways of the past were the past, and that we were crossing this line into a new future. That quote from a crazy movie helped to strike the emotion I needed to touch.

History and media is full of inspirational tidbits of information to back any principle that you need to drive into the hearts of your listeners.

6.       Structure & Direction
Those that know me know I am a huge proponent of structure in many forms.  I believe you must have it in order to produce scalability, change and ultimately, profitability. In this instance of inspirational communication in leadership, what I mean is that there has to be some kind of plan. Fancy words, genuineness and an emotional touching story will only get you so far.

You don’t have to have all the answers, but you need to have the beginnings of a plan, even if those beginnings are to figure out the plan. For me this “plan” was nothing more than some scribbles on a small whiteboard that showed how the organization was going to start the process of fixing things.  I also explained what the staff should expect. I did not sugar-coat anything and told them it was not going to be easy.

In the end the staff knew what was expected, they knew how things were going to change, what their organization could achieve, and they had a reason burned in their hearts on why they needed to act.  Inspirational communication is not something that only needs to be used in a turnaround situation.  It can be used to take motivation to the next level, it can be used to bring about greater execution, it can be used to improve morale and turn hidden ‘A Players’ into real ones. Lastly, it will turn you into a more effective leader.

Revitalize – Getting Things Done Through Aligned Execution – Part 1

A couple of posts ago I mentioned that I had written a book.  I started writing the book in July of 2010 and finished it in April of 2011.  The book is written as a business fable and describes a methodology that I developed to solve one of the most mystifying problems that organizations experience.  That problem is the ability to get everyone’s activities in an organization aligned to help achieve the top-line goals of an organization. 

I have often pondered about why there are so many businesses that fail, why small business are more likely to fail then succeed and most importantly, why there are so many small businesses that never seem to progress beyond their plateaus that leave them at the same place for years and years.  The concepts in the book are not revolutionary.  In fact they are the basic building blocks of business. But it is how they are organized that is different. 

Below I have pasted the introduction to the book as well as some of the reviews I have received.  The reviews have been phenomenal. I actually had to go back to a few of the reviewers and ask if they were telling the truth.  I already have verbal orders for the book from CEOs that want it for everyone in their company and I have received invitations to speak and conduct workshops on the process.  Of course I have to get the baby published first.  It is in the hands of a great agent, so keep following me and I will let everyone know when it is available.


    In the book Execution, by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan; Larry Bossidy wrote, “Leadership without the discipline of execution is incomplete and ineffective. Without the ability to execute, all other attributes of leadership become hollow.”

    I wish that every leader could have that quote ingrained in their memory. I have had the privilege of meeting with thousands of business owners and leaders in various capacities and situations over the years. Many of them that I have met are stuck in a cycle of constant ineffective commotion. A commotion filled with busywork and all the myriad things, both big and small, which are required to run an organization. These leaders work countless hours, yet don’t really get much done to move their organization forward. All this busywork is “critical” work that must get done; but none of it helps the company progress toward becoming a bigger, better, and more profitable entity. When a leader is stuck in this cycle, the staff is sure to follow. This can continue for years until people wonder what they have accomplished with all their hard work.

    The ability to execute and get one’s staff dedicated, aligned, and moving in the same direction should be the study and focus of all leaders. I think sometimes we are so focused on getting every ounce of performance out of ourselves and others that we forget to lead them, we neglect to manage them, and rarely take the time to properly plan for our success.

    This book will guide you through a straight-forward process: a flexible methodology that allows organizations or teams to get their actions focused and their goals accomplished, all while remaining in alignment with organizational objectives.

    Though the process is simple in nature, it will take vision, focus and creativity to implement. I hope you will accept the challenge to follow this process through to completion and achieve great things as a result.

Okay. Let’s revitalize!

Praise for Revitalize

    “I would highly recommend Revitalize – Getting Things Done Through Aligned Execution. This book gives a solid foundation and systematic process for organizations to step out and jointly get things done more powerfully in their life and work. The way that organizational focus, alignment, and execution are woven throughout the story provides a clear path for organizational success.” 

~Kris Cavanaugh (Author of Stuck to C.E.O., Speaker & Coach | Atlanta, GA) Website


    “I’ve probably read hundreds…perhaps thousands of business books. I’ve invested over $250k into seminars, books, audios, and other continuing education since I started my company; yet it didn’t all crystalize for me until I read Revitalize. Your book gave me the framework to execute the vision that has existed only in my head. It took the “what ifs” and “somedays” and “hopefullys” out of my world and replaced them with absolute certainty. Now I know there IS a way to absolutely guarantee success…and it is simple. Thank you!”

~Pamela Viveiros (CEO/President, ThinkTech Computers | New Bedford, MA) Website


    “Revitalize – Getting Things Done Through Aligned Executiondoes a better job of explaining how to align behavior to goals than all of the hot-shot speakers I’ve heard over the years, and more importantly, it is done in such a simplified way that individuals at every level can understand the process to make significant organizational improvements.”

~Tim Shea (CEO, Alpha NetSolutions, Inc. | Millbury, MA) Website


    “This is a work that can empower the reader with the concepts and inspiration to make the changes necessary to grow and prosper in our difficult economy. Revitalize is exactly what the doctor ordered to bring anyone back to business and life health.”

~Jim Camp (Author of “Start With No”, Founder of The Camp Negotiation Institute | Dublin, OH) Website


    “Revitalize combines important information on execution and organizational alignment with a critical life topic of urgency. Primo Levi once said, ‘If not now, then When? If not us, then Who?’ This book brings a personal change story into significance by reminding us that we must take action not tomorrow, not next week, but today to execute and begin our organizational transformation and change journey!”

~Louis Carter ( Author, CEO & Founder, Best Practice Institute | West Palm Beach, FL) Website


Revitalize-Getting Things Done Through Aligned Execution is by far one of the best business books ever written! The use of the story was a powerful way to demonstrate the importance of developing purpose, vision, core values and goals for any business and personal life! The methodology taught in this book is simple to understand yet innovative in structure. If followed, success is guaranteed!”

~Arvee Robinson (Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker, and Author | Upland, CA) Website


    “In looking back through my 30 years of business experience, college, continuing education, and my personal library of hundreds of business books, I find no one has better able to explain the concepts of mission, vision, value and BHAG better than Todd Nielsen.  I found the story to be riveting and filled with business lessons and practical examples of how to apply these intertwined concepts. Many business owners believe the success or failure of their organization is up to fate.  Revitalize breaks through that myth and gives you hands-on, practical tools that can be immediately implemented to make any initiative successful.  As a business owner, I look forward to formalizing these processes in our organization to ensure our future success.  I wish I had this book many years ago!”        

~Diana L. Spurgus (President, MBA, MCP, CPA, CITP – BSSI, Inc. | Lancaster, OH) Website


    “Revitalize – Getting Things Done Through Aligned Execution, provides the ideal framework for businesses looking to improve their bottom line.  It simplifies the execution of strong solid business principles, and inspires the reader into action.  Revitalize, reinforced where our company needs to make improvements and left me motivated to put things into action, now.”

~ Wendy Panor (Operations Manager, The Digital Architects, Inc. | Stevensville, MD) Website


“I highly recommend Revitalize – Getting Things Done Through Aligned Execution to anyone wanting to improve the outcomes and productivity in their company or personal life.  It is a quick read and explains the principles and concepts well.  The story shows how all the pieces fit together in real life situations to create synergy and exponential growth or change.  A real treasure in my business book library.

~ Doug Hulme (President, Consolidated Business Systems | Denver, CO) Website


I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Comment below!

Imagine Leadership

Nitin Nohria and Amanda Pepper of Harvard Business School’s Leadership Initiative collaborated with XPLANE to create this video in order to generate a discussion of the value and importance of leadership to address some of societys most pressing problems.

“It is my desire to inspire people of all ages and social demographics to think about leadership on a broad level, contemplate what it means to them and what individual impact they can have when it comes to leading,” says Nohria.

How To Be A Horrible Leader – 50 Bad Leadership Traits

Bad Leadership

I have read so many books about how to be a great leader.  I thought it would be “fun” to make a list of the bad leadership traits to identify what a horrible leader looks like.  Of course this is done in the hope that one can avoid the ill effects on an organization from any of bad leadership behaviors.  We cannot all be perfect, but all it takes is a few of these in the right combination to kill moral and create a horribly run organization.

50 Bad Leadership Examples

  1. Belittling and condescending communication to staff.
  2. Little communication with your staff.
  3. Not empowering your staff to succeed.
  4. Asking them a hundred questions with every decision they make.
  5. Not admitting when you have made a mistake.
  6. Not giving raises to your staff or not compensating them appropriately.
  7. Not recognizing your staff for achievements they have made.
  8. Ignoring your staff.
  9. Not providing executive level sponsorship for your management.
  10. Not providing management with the authority to perform their jobs.
  11. Not providing the resources to your management staff in completing their objectives.
  12. Yelling at your staff.
  13. Forgetting common occasions. (Your staff gives you a Birthday/Christmas card or gift and you never do the same for them.)
  14. Using threats with your staff.
  15. Making your staff feel guilty if they do not do something extra.
  16. Using fear tactics to “motivate” your staff.
  17. Always having to throw in your 2 cents to every idea your staff offers.
  18. Playing favorites with your staff.
  19. Doing things that are self-serving.
  20. Incompetent in something critical to the organizations success and unable to improve or fill in that incompetence with other staff members.
  21. Lying to your staff—and then trying to cover it up.
  22. Making “examples” of a staff member in front of others.
  23. Disregarding the health and welfare of your staff.
  24. Not providing your staff the training to succeed.
  25. Not providing your staff opportunities to progress and grow.
  26. Being callous.
  27. Being unforgiving of staff mistakes.
  28. Holding past mistakes against your staff time after time.
  29. Not giving your staff adequate working environments.
  30. Analysis Paralysis – i.e. indecisiveness.
  31. Ignoring needed change.
  32. Being cheap.
  33. Not planning.
  34. Not setting a clear vision.
  35. Being a poor example of execution and accountability, but expecting others to execute.
  36. Butting into your staff’s responsibilities by doing things under their role without consulting with them.
  37. Not providing structure in your organization.
  38. Unwillingness to take risks.
  39. Poor management of oneself.
  40. Deceitful.
  41. Impulsiveness.
  42. Unable to take criticism.
  43. Unwilling to improve from criticism.
  44. Unethical business practices.
  45. Does not use conflict to correctly drive innovation.
  46. Believing your staff when they sing praises for you and then forming an ego.
  47. Misinterpreting signs.
  48. Disrespect for your staff.
  49. Unable to trust.
  50. Overly negative or overly positive.  (Overly positive meaning, ignoring bad signs and taking action, because you are so positive and hopeful that things will improve.)

I decided to limit myself to 50.  I am sure you have some more to add.  Please comment below and let me know your thoughts and add to the list.

How A Group Of Frogs Became A Story About Developing Leaders

Steph Robey put this video together based on a classic story of frogs traveling through the woods.  The video talks about developing leaders.  While this was made for home based businesses it still has two important lessons that apply to all leaders.

  1. Words Have the Power of Life & Death
  2. It Takes the Power of a Leader to Speak Life

It is a great little video that I know you will enjoy.  Those two lessons carry a lot of meaning.  Please comment and share your thoughts.