Speaking & Workshops

I know it’s not easy to find the right speaker for an event or organization. Many speakers look great online; but fail to deliver on concrete, practical information that helps their audience be more successful  or inspires them to take action.   I’m motivated by achievement and cannot stand wasting time; therefore I promise to not waste other’s time in my speeches and workshops.

I have put together this page to give you all the information I can to make a more informed decision. I hope that it will provide you with plenty of information about me and the topics I help people with. Thanks for considering me and I look forward to working together.


 8 Things that I Promise To Do:

To Inspire the Audience – By inspiring those I speak to, I create  uplifting feelings and positive emotional attachments that drive at the heart of why people execute. Inspiration is the push that people often need to take knowledge and move it into action.

 No Fluff  – At many events, participants are filled with a fire-hose of information and feel overwhelmed at the end. What do people do when faced with a dire-house of information – they shut down! I promise to give practical steps that participants can follow to create change, while at the same time inspiring them to take action.

 To Personalize the Message – I promise to work tirelessly to learn about your organization and make sure the speech or workshop is customized to the audience. By doing this we I will have a greater impact in helping you have an excellent event.

To Be Prompt & Professional – I know that event planners, executives and others looking for speakers and workshop facilitators have busy lives. When you contact me I promise to respond quickly, fulfill my commitments, and act professionally. The same goes for the event – I promise to be punctual and to go above and beyond your expectations in working with the participants facilitators.

 To Provide Valuable Resources – I will provide an event resource page for your attendees that will include information from the event including: slides, quotes, links to articles, links to books and videos that go deeper into the content, and any other resources that might be helpful.

 To Foster Fun – When I speak at events I try to get the audience moving with: games, group activities, contests, polls and other activities to help them  have a little fun. Humor and fun go hand-in-hand with motivating people to take action and remember a memorable event.

 To Be Respectful – I will never talk down to participants. People come from all walks of life and experience and I promise to be respectful and act with integrity before, during, and after the event.

 To Promote Your Event – If your event is public and you want more visibility, I will announce your event on my blog and share it among social media channels. I will also meet with participants or attend receptions to mingle with them further if time allows at the actual event.

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My Topics

I speak on topics related to execution and leadership. I will customize my topics and presentations to fit the specific needs of your organization to make sure I can help in achieving your specific objectives. The following topics can be presented in various formats, including: keynotes, workshops, and seminars. Several of the topics are customized according to the target audience, and may appear similar. Click on the “More” link at the end of each topic for more detailed information.

Revitalize – It’s All About Execution (Speech/Workshop/Seminar)

Revitalize-Workshop-Seminar-Speech-Todd-Nielsen70% of strategic business failures occur due to poor execution, and execution is rated as one of the biggest challenges by business leaders. Is it any coincidence that 70% of new businesses fail within the first year? Execution is the fundamental problem in which almost all other problems in business originate. It could be poor sales, poor service, poor morale, weak profits, or a hundred other things; but if people can’t get the right things done, in a timely manner, then they will never be successful.

Can you imagine what your organization could accomplish if  everyone in your organization accomplished their goals and if their activities were were aligned with the top-line goals and vision of the company? I will walk you through the fundamental principles of execution, that will create miracles of success and profitability. This is the flagship speech, workshop, and seminar that I offer, based off my forthcoming books. Learn More…


The Dangers of Poor Execution That Will Suck The Life Out of Your Business and Make You Miserable, Lonely, And Bankrupt

Dangers-of-Poor-Execution-Todd-NielsenYes it’s true, poor execution will suck the life out of you and your organization and can make one miserable, lonely, and bankrupt. Poor execution is the fundamental problem in which almost all other problems in business originate? A multitude of problems can be traced to someone not doing something, or not doing it right. If individuals and organizations can’t get the right things done, in a timely manner, then they can never be successful. In this speech I will take participants through many of the dangers of poor execution and dive into the elements that are needed to create more consistent execution among individuals and organizations.

This keynote speech is designed for any organizations or association with individuals that want to accomplish greater success in their lives or business. The keynote is designed to be a 60 minute or 90 minute presentation, but can be customized for your objectives.

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Creating Miracles of Profitability & Success Through The Power of Execution

Creating-Miracles-Through-The-Power-of-Execution-Todd-NielsenThe outcome of consistent execution is profitability and success. In this speech I will dive into the underlying principles of execution and go through several case studies of organizations that actually did create miracles of profitability and success through the power of execution. We will learn what they did and how they did it.

These examples and the deep dive into the principles of execution will give participants an understanding of why execution, more than any other topic, needs to be the primary focus of individuals and organizations that are seeking greater success.

This keynote speech is designed for any organizations or association with individuals that want to accomplish greater success in their lives or business, by utilizing the transformation power of execution. The keynote is designed to be a 60 minute or 90 minute presentation, but can be customized for your objectives.

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The Ultimate Personal Success Plan

The-Ultimate-Personal-Success-Plan-Todd-NielsenEvery year, millions of individuals set goals at the onset of the new year. Unfortunately there is a stark contrast between those who set goals and those that achieve them. The Ultimate Personal Success Plan is designed to focus individual activities and behaviors, and create an execution and accountability structure around those behaviors.

This plan is a road-map to success that started out as one of my most successful and popular posts of all-time, and has resulted in a eBook and a future home study course.

In this keynote, I walk the audience through 6 principles of the Ultimate Success Plan and go deep into the methods of executing the plan in order to make each individual more successful.

This keynote speech is designed for individuals  that want to accomplish greater success in their lives or business by utilizing the transformation power of execution. The keynote is designed to be a 90 minute or 3 Hour presentation, but can be customized for your objectives.

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How to Be a Worthless, One-of-a-Kind, Low-Down, Dirty-Rotten, Leader

How-to-Be-a-Worthless-One-of-a-Kind-Low-Down-Dirty-Rotten-Leader-Todd-NielsenDuring this speech I will take participants through a humorous journey of how to be a rotten leader. To know how to be a great leader, it is important to know how the bad ones operate.  I take participants through selections of my 50 Ways to Be a Worthless, One-of-a-Kind, Low-Down, Dirty-Rotten, Leader survey and I tell some some crazy, but true experiences and case studies of poor leaders. This speech involves lots of audience participation, personal experiences that are sure to raise some eyebrows. This is an informative and fun experience that participants are sure to remember.

This keynote speech is designed for any organizations or association with individuals that want be better leaders, by learning from the poor example of leaders and companies throughout history. The duration for this keynote is 60 minutes or 90 minutes, but the presentation can be customized for your objectives.

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The Execution Oriented Leader

The-Execution-Oriented-Leader-Todd-NielsenLarry Bossidy wrote, “Leadership without the discipline of execution is incomplete and ineffective. Without the ability to execute, all other attributes of leadership become hollow.” What a profound and true statement. The same is true in life, if we do not execute on what we say, things don’t work out according to plan. Execution is the elusive goal of many leaders that is a mystery to many. In this speech I take participants through the necessary characteristics of being an execution oriented leader, and how to magnify and develop these characteristics.

This keynote speech is designed for any organizations or association with individuals that want be better leaders. The duration for this keynote is 60 minutes or 90 minutes, but the presentation can be customized for your objectives.

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 The Next Step

Thank you for considering me for your event. I look forward to having a conversation about how I can make your event a success. Click the green button throughout this page, to check my availability and I will get back to you right away.

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