New Beginnings and Big News!

Sometimes life can throw you for a curve.  I think it is those moments in life that can either bring anxiety and dread; or they can bring clarity and direction.  Recently the company I was employed at, was acquired by a slightly larger company.  There were some great people at this company.  The CEO struck me as one that really understands the precepts of leadership. The project manager and service manager that reported to me were awesome people.  There were many others, but ultimately I realized, with great clarity, that it was time to move on. 

I had made my decision many months earlier, even before the acquisition, but life and work dragged me kicking and screaming back to my firefighting reality. My resume and resignation were prepared a month before I resigned and I had some potential options that I was considering, although nothing was firm.  When it finally came down to it, I knew that if I wanted to accomplish my career goals, I needed to move on.

When I resigned and returned home after meeting with our CEO, who I reported to; my wife looked at me and said “Wow, you look less stressed then I have seen you in a long time.” The truth was I felt happy and not stressed at all. Although maybe I should have felt anxious, I was and continue to feel happy and positive about the future

I have reflected on this for the past couple weeks. Why did I wait so long?  I had several colleagues reach out to me after they heard my news and say things like, “I am not surprised”, or “I expected this a while ago.”  People always say stuff like that, but the truth is in my heart the decision was made long before, and my actions supported the decision. 

So I move on… Despite the problems that exist in our world, there are great opportunities all around us.  As leaders, it is important, both within our companies and our lives that we seize those opportunities and act on them.  If we wait, they may just slip away. Who knows if I missed out on any opportunities while I stuck around. But I know that bigger and better things are coming.

So I am a few days from being officially unemployed. That sounds so weird.  I prefer to call it a vacation. 🙂 At the present time I am entertaining 3 offers that are all pretty dang good.  I have also been appointed to a handful of Board of Advisors and I am excited and positive for the future. 

(Side Note – If you know of other great opportunites, let me know.)

Oh Yeah………….my big news.  Well in July of 2010, I started writing a book.  It is called Revitalize – Getting Things Done Through Aligned Execution.  I am uber-excited about it.  I recently began sending the book out to some advanced reviewers.  I was completely floored when I started getting the reviews back from people. I actually had to double back with a few people and say,  “Please do not do me any favors, but umm…is this the truth?” I will share some of the reviews in another post soon.  It took a lot of work and determination and I am hoping it will be published later this year.  I will keep all my blog followers apprised of the “happenings” with it.

For those of you sitting in a leadership position that you may find  unfulfilling, just know that the world is full of opportunities. Sacrifice is often necessary and work is not always fun, but don’t sit-around and think you are stuck in work or life.  Take a stand, be decisive, and as my friend Kris Cavanaugh says, “Become CEO of your life.”

About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.


  1. Todd, this post is very timely (you know what I mean). I woke up this morning with a thought that I shared with you. Then the sermon in church today was out of this world. It has been time to act for a long time but stalling has been the order of the day for me. Worry, confusion, and self-pity have hindered my forward progress. Now a prayer for courage and wisdom… for you too 🙂

  2. Great blog and greater news! I’m on the other side of a 90-day sabbatical after 10.5 years of constant turn-around change management in two organizations. I came close to “burnout” and anxiety attacks before understanding what my body, mind, and spirit were telling me — (and my Dr and wife!). It’s a great leap into self-awareness and as you termed, “CEO of my life”. Dr. Cloud wrote a good read, “Necessary Endings” that helped me a lot.
    Blessings on your journey. I will be waiting for your book — execution is my weakest “strength” . . . (unless I can get an advance read 🙂

  3. How exciting! Your gut is usually wiser than what looks like logic. Best to you in your new season!

  4. Trusting one’s instinct to take a leap of faith into the unknown despite inevitable challenges can hard for anyone.

    Congrats, Todd, on being CEO of your life, researching your options, and taking charge of your future by proactively leaping into your unknown. Your inner confidence and outward determination will be assets to you along this leg of your life journey.

    I would encourage everyone reading Todd’s blog to take an honest look at your own life and list out areas you are not satisfied with. Then make the commitment to begin to DO something about them before the Summer ends. The sooner you start that journey, the closer you’ll be to creating a day-to-day existence you’ll actually WANT to get out of bed for every day! 🙂

    Congrats again, Todd! Keep me posted as things move forward.

    ~ Kris Cavanaugh (

  5. Kraig Strom says:

    Well put and as always, a great life lesson.