Desire Success or Mediocrity? …It All Comes Down to GROWTH!

Leadership and Organizational GrowthI have been wanting to write this post for a while. I have said it many times in passing to individuals and in my writings, but I have never dedicated an article to it. Very few things boil my blood more than seeing business owners, or employees for that matter; that refuse to pick-up a book, read a blog post, or take a class to grow and learn how to be better. Better leaders, better followers, better innovators, better problem solvers, better marketers, better at anything and everything.

A couple months ago I was elated to receive an advanced copy of Great Leaders GROW – Becoming a Leader for Life, by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller. I received the book and I exhaled and said “Finally.” Not only was this a book by one of my favorite authors, but it hit the nail on the head. I receive a lot of books to review, but I never write about a book that does not move me. This one did it.

In the introduction it reads, “We’re convinced, after more that seventy years of combined leadership, that the path to increased influence, impact, and leadership effectiveness is paved with personal growth.” I could not have said it better myself. As individuals, and especially leaders in an organization increase their personal growth, that increase of wisdom, knowledge, influence, and effectiveness will directly impact every level of an organization. A learning environment and a culture that epitomizes personal growth, is abundant in innovation an success.

Another point I love in the book, was early on and stated, “My capacity to learn determines my capacity to lead. If I stop learning, I stop leading.” Isn’t this true? Leaders that fail to grow, become stagnant. They fail to remain on the edge, fail to remain ahead of the pack. As more research and studies in psychology, human behavior, and social behavior are performed, leadership techniques and tools continue to advance. Ken and Mark leave a great question to ask yourselves, “Will you be a leader that tries to apply yesterday’s solutions to today’s problems?”

The need to continue growing is ever present in all areas of life as is so poignantly said in the book, “Growth is what separates living things from dying things. Organizations and people that are fully alive, GROW.” I have seen what a non-growing company and individuals look like and I have also seen what a growing one looks like. It is without a doubt the epitome of mediocrity vs success.

In my twitter profile I write that I am a “seeker of wisdom.” In the winding down pages of the book, my twitter bio became a lot more meaningful. “Wisdom is accumulated over months, years, and decades. You’ve got to stay with it. The pursuit of wisdom, like …other areas of growth, is never ending. Don’t try to rush it – and never stop seeking it.”

There is so much wisdom in the world. there is very little knowledge that cannot be learned. How to become better a spouse, a better father or mother, a better leader and among just a few of the important concepts that we should always seek greater wisdom. If you are not a reader or seeker of wisdom, I would challenge you to try change, to seek after knowledge that will make you better. Read Great Leaders GROW – Becoming a Leader for Life, by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller, and then devour everything you can. Then put that wisdom to practice.