Naked, Wet …and Getting an Education at “Shower University”

Shower UniversityFor more than a year now I haven’t had a commute. I don’t miss the commute, but recently I had a realization – a longing even, for something I did enjoy while commuting… listening to books. I used to read & listen, through an insane number of books and I loved it. Learning and growing is something core to my motivation. With no commute this last year, I have missed that aspect greatly.

In my own Ultimate Personal Success Plan, one of my goals is to read more, but I just have not found the time. No matter how much I finagle with my schedule, and no matter how early I got up, I just wasn’t been able to dedicate enough time. There is always something to fill the gap. That was until I created “Shower University,” oh yeah, things were changing now!

What I realized is that I have at least 30 minutes every day when I have down-time. This down-time was when I showered, got dressed, and groomed myself each day. I realized it was the perfect time to educate my mind, while my body was in autopilot. I came across the Water-Resistant iShower BT Shower Speaker and fell in LOVE WITH IT! It easily connects via Bluetooth to my phone, where I can stream all by books. I also have a waterproof pad, similar to the Aqua Notes – Waterproof Notepad so I can jot down ideas or thoughts while I am learning.

The lesson in this is to look for efficiency in all you do and look for ways to be creative, or accomplish more in the “down times” of your day. Execution sometimes requires being creative with your time and resources. Learning and growing likewise might require creativity. So use your creativity to find time to learn and become a better leader. All great leaders are staunchly dedicated learners.

All great leaders are staunchly dedicated learners.” Tweet This!

Here are a few offers I found. I’m a huge fan.

Special Offer – Get Your First 3 Months at Audible for $7.49/month!

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Have you done anything to bring about more learning, growth, or greater execution in your life? Please share below.

About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.


  1. Hey Todd,

    I don’t spend that long in the shower or bathroom to make use of it 🙂

    If I am shaving however I usually throw in a Ted Talk on my iPad. It’s all about utilising downtime. I get most of my knowledge from podcasts in the car! It also means I never have that feeling of not looking forward to long journeys.

    And yes, that picture really is a nice bathroom !

  2. Todd,

    Great! I have tried listening while taking a shower before but all it does is upset the family since I have to turn the volume way up and they are usually still in bed. Now there is a solution.

    Though being a hospice chaplain I do not think I will be telling people I am getting a great education in the shower. I do not even want to know what they would be thinking. Lol

  3. Nothing wrong with learning and doing some thinking while you are in the shower lol, some people claims this is the place where creativity starts for them, hey, what ever it takes

  4. That’s a nice bathroom and a great view for expanding your horizons!

  5. Mary Helen Allred says:

    Are you sure you’re not an Allred???? 🙂 you sure think a lot like 90 percent of this branch of the family!
    No offense but you think like a woman since we are great at multitasking. 🙂

  6. Todd, I think you are all wet! (LOL). That’s efficiency!!