The 3rd International Leadership Blogathon

3rd-International-Leadership-Blogathon-Todd-NielsenWell it is that awesome and wonderful time again. Time for the International Leadership Blogathon. Actually it is past time, but who is keeping track. Once again we are going to have another thrill ride through the world of leadership in the 3rd Annual International Leadership Blogathon. Last year I held the event and it was even more amazing than the first one, so much so that it crashed my website from all the traffic. This year I am better prepared.

The nuggets of wisdom during these blogathons, come from all over the world. They are inspirational and enormously valuable for any leader. The perspectives alone are invaluable to help all of us become better leaders.  Once again we will have leadership experts from every corner of the globe take part.

I believe this year is going to be better than last year’s event. Why? Well, it has to! They are always better. 🙂 This year it will be a little bit more low-key and laser focused. Last year there were a lot of articles and I about pulled my hair out. This year I am going to limit it to 20 really good articles that will be published Monday Through Friday for 4 weeks. It will start the first or second week in May.

What Is The International Leadership Blogathon?

Ok, so imagine leadership writers and experts from all over the world gathered together to share their leadership wisdom with the world. The experience and lessons of working with different cultures and organizations helps to fuel an avalanche of knowledge that is not easy to come by.

What I do is get a bunch of leaders and experts from every possible country I can. Then they each write an article between 400 to 800 words that explores some aspect of leadership. Last year we had many different topics and my heart lit up every time I read a new article. I mean, how often do you get to hear the inner thoughts on leadership from someone in Kenya, India, The Netherlands, New Zealand, the U.K., Japan and a bunch of other remote locations? It’s awesome! Subscribe now, and get ready for the flood of leadership wisdom to enter your inbox.

In addition to the writings we will hold some Tweet Chat’s and maybe even a Google Hangout to chat about the articles and all things leadership.

Awesome, the 3rd International Leadership Blogathon begins soon! ” Tweet This

Who Can Write For The International Leadership Blogathon & Why Should You?

Well, let me address the why first. Usually the best reason to write a guest post is to receive valuable backlinks to your own site from a reputable domain, to help grow your own platform, and get your knowledge in front of a bunch of people that might not know who you are. I get a lot of traffic, and I have a huge social network in which I will be broadcasting all of the articles – every single day. I’ll will also invite you to a private Facebook group for all the bloggers to collaborate.

So who should write? Well anyone throughout the world that has leadership knowledge, that they want to share with the world. But there are some qualifications:

  1. You must be able to write in English
  2. You need to be able to write 400 to 800 words in good grammar and punctuation. We will help out as much as we can, but last year I spent way too much time re-writing articles that had great messages but were written poorly. So reach out to others that know English before submitting your article.
  3. You have to have a Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn account and actively participate on social networks. You do not need to have a big following.
  4. You must be willing to commit to sharing all the articles on social networks and not just your article.
  5. You must be able to enter and edit an article in WordPress.
  6. The post needs to be all original work from the author, and CANNOT be shared on another site. (Google does not like that)
  7. Your topic needs to be related to leadership or a leadership subtopic. Ask below in the comments section, or send me a message if you are unsure about your topic. It could also be about the intricacies of leadership in your country of residence.
  8. Your article needs to be in the system within a week of your acceptance into the blogathon.  We need to time to get everything setup and organized.
  9. You need to love leadership and want to engage with other writers by commenting on all the articles and helping to drive more discussion.
  10. You must be willing to write a short summary post, pointing to the article on your own blog, if you have one.
  11. The article must have valuable content, and not be an advertisement for your services.

I am expecting a lot of interest this year, the same as last year. So if you are interested in writing, please fill out the form below and submit it ASAP. I look forward to a successful blogathon, I know my readers will love this content and it will be a hugely successful event.

Woohoo, I just signed-up to write for the 3rd International Leadership Blogathon” Tweet This

This is going to be an exciting event with wisdom oozing from all over the globe. Stay tuned for more information. Please share your thoughts below along with what kind of articles are you hoping to see?

About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.


  1. This will be a great time to learn and network with great minds.

    I call this a School of Wisdom. It’s a place for anyone that desires betterment in life to come and tap timeless wisdom for winning in this day and age.

    Fasten your best, buckle your shoe and get set for great things to happen.

  2. Looking forward to articles that provide hints for practical and achievable behavioural actions that help the mid-level manager develop his/her skills in people management and subsequently drive employee engagement. Simple day to day actions that make a stepped difference in performance. There is a world of great ideas out there and everyone should be able to take a little gem back to the office or even home to make their life a little happier, more productive and effective. The blogathon is a great initiative, Bring it on. Pete