Words To Lead By – An Inspirational Message of Leadership

I am not even sure where I found this video, as it was sitting in draft mode for months. But as I watched it – the message pierced my mind and uplifted my heart as I considered certain situations and leadership challenges that I was struggling with. Please take a few moments, sit back, relax, and just take in this short message of leadership that we should all remember. Please comment below on what words of leadership were of most value to you, and what additional words of leadership advice you might have.

So …now that you’ve watched this video, how are you going to use this information to improve your leadership? What words of leadership were of most value to you, and what additional words of leadership advice do you have to improve your success?

Please take a moment and share your ideas in the comments section below, share this with your social media friends, and subscribe to receive A Slice of Leadership notices, and occasional leadership advice, articles, tips and freebies.

About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.


  1. Rob Galloway says:

    Great words Todd…


  2. Rama Tadepalli says:

    cool one, good
    I missed my favourite quote ” Born to Win” 🙂

  3. What format is this video in? It unfortunately does not appear when I'm accessing your site with my iPad…

  4. Thanks Todd. Very inspiring. Better than most I have seen like this. No fluff! My favorite quotes are: There are no short cuts to any place worth going. Most things are difficult before they are easy. The more you say, the less they remember. I will be sure to keep the last one in mind when I communicate. Simplicity! Thanks for sharing.

    Paul Buyer, author of Working Toward Excellence

  5. Good one Todd!

  6. Awesom Video! liked it!
    As Shiva Khera said. “Even Ordinay people can do Extraordinary things.” Leaders they dont have to be position. Leaders take action doesn not matter in which position or where they are.Because Action Speakes Louder Than Words It just need to be something leader do with the intention of doing good.

  7. Thank you Todd. I am struggling with some personnel issues and this was a great start to the week. I will keep this video in mind as I prepare for my staff meeting this morning.

  8. Hi, Todd

    Thanks – this is a cool video.

    Some might quibble that it’s too simplistic, but I immediately thought of using it to spark specific discussion during a leadership development activity.

    Each slide contains a clearly stated and much more complex idea than the few words show.

    This is good stuff – appreciate you sharing it:)


  9. Great video! I really appreciate it now that I am in a new leadership role. The words I always try to keep in mind was told to me by a former boss:

    Seek to understand and then to be understood.

    Thanks Todd.

  10. Thank you for this inspiring video! I like the “Seek out people better than you, different than you, braver than you” part. I good leader should always strive to enable others to climp higher than herself!