UQ Power – Have You Got It?

Heidi-UQ-PowerSix months ago a wonderful and original book hit the world by my good friend Heidi Alexandra Pollard called, Power Up Your UQ: Boost Income, Influence, & Impact. I truly regret not sharing this book sooner, but life has been full of twists and turns that have made it difficult to get my review out. Heidi asked me to review the book last year and write the forward. I was honored when she asked me, but even more so after I finished the book. This book is like no other self improvement or leadership book you have ever seen, I guarantee it. Below is the forward I wrote, after reading it recently, I am  sure I could not write anything better to get you to want to read it.

Forward to Power Up Your UQ: Boost Income, Influence, & Impact

“Every successful person has habits, knowledge, and skills that elevate them to rise above others and achieve phenomenal feats. They don’t just desire success, they hunger for it. It’s an unquenchable hunger, and unfortunately there’s not a simple recipe for success. Success is about so many things, such as: changing your mindset, becoming productive, always learning and improving one’s skills. It’s about being creative, asking questions, being a good listener, standing-out from the crowd, and so much more.

In my search on what makes organizations truly successful, I have found that the best organizations are ones that know how to get things done, they execute, and they have a culture of execution that creates and amazing power to excel far above their competition.

Before you can arrive to culture of execution, there are a lot of things that must be present in an organization. A successful business is one that stands-out in the marketplace, its unique; it’s filled with individuals, from the top to the bottom, that possess passion and strong leadership skills. At the heart is a culture that is positive and uplifting which brings out the best in people and motivates them to help the business grow and be mo
re successful. There is a lot more, but the end result is – they get things done.

In my search for the secret to success in life and business, I have read hundreds, if not thousands of books on leadership, management, self-improvement, productivity, personal branding, and every other topic under the sun to improve my skills and ability to stand-out in work and life, and to become more successful. Every once in a while I come across a truly original book that changes lives, enriches souls, and helps to fill in the recipe of how to create success. Power UP Your UQ: Boost Your Income, Influence, & Impact, is just that and much more. In a unique, fun, and creative style, Heidi makes you laugh, all the while teaching you valuable lessons to change your life and business.

This book wraps a hundred years of business and self-improvement literature into a concise, unique, and fun volume that touches on just the right elements to take an individual or business to the next level of success.

Will it be easy? —- Of course not!

Will it be fun?  —- You bet!

Will it be worth it? —- Absolutely!

So enjoy the story, laugh at the illustrations, be inspired at the nuggets of wisdom – then get to work and build your UQ Power.”

If you have read the book or have some thoughts please leave a comment. If you want to buy the book, which you really should, you can get it from Heidi’s website. I’ll be mailing a few copies to some people that leave well-thought out comments.

Your Choice: Success or Death in the Digital World | The Leadership Book Corner

The-Digital-Dollar-Joe-WoznyAbout 4 or 5 years ago, I wrote an article for a site and discussed the idea that it seems like everyone and their dogs are becoming social media experts. Over the years I have read books about Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, Social Media, and Search Engine Optimization; and to be frank, most of them are not that good, especially for the most important demographic of this knowledge – leaders and business owners trying to grasp this new digital landscape. I was afraid that the right book was not going to come along.

That was until I read, The Digital Dollar: Sustainable Strategies for Online Success by Joe Wozny. It is easily the most valuable book I have found to teach leaders, executives, and business owners to comprehend and thrive in the online digital world. The difference between it and the many other books I have read is that Joe speaks and writes – in “leadership speak.” He speaks our language about a topic that is mystifying to many.  He understands and uses terms like: Investment, ROI, Value, Quality, Strategy, Measurements, Deliverables, Collaboration, Planning, Objectives. It’s refreshing to find a social media expert that really understands business and how to bridge the gap that often exists between business and the online world.

The book is written in a very creative way, in that one can read only certain parts of it if they only need help with certain aspects of the online digital world. For example in the beginning of the book there is a section called “How to Get the Most from The Digital Dollar.” He mentions various industries and the chapters one could read to focus on one’s particular business type. If your goals are engagement, he mentions the best chapters on that. If you are new to social media and the Internet, he tells you where to start. It is a brilliant concept, especially for the busy executive or leader that might not want to read an entire book to extract the knowledge they’re looking for.

The most important part of the book, for me at least, is directly related to the title of creating a sustainable strategy. I’ve had trouble bringing all the different aspects of my online presence together to make it work in a more cohesive manner to drive engagement and attract new readers. He offers several different “Digital Roadmaps,” with examples for different situations. These roadmaps are the strategy plan for your online success. Using the content of the book in each of the digital roadmap sections, makes it pretty easy to develop the pieces of the right digital roadmap for your organization, and create a successful strategy.

I spoke with Joe Wozny this week about the book, and not only has he written a great book that is extremely valuable; but he is friendly, passionate, and knowledgeable about both the online world, and business in general.

In an ever changing digital world, having a roadmap for your organization’s success is indispensable! Tweet This!

Free Books:

I encourage you to check out The Digital Dollar if you care about understanding and surviving in the digital world. Joe has graciously offered to give away a few books to readers of this article located in the US or Canada. I think I am going to pull in a few friends from Africa and the U.K. to help me choose the winners. Here is what you have to do to win a free book:

  1. Subscribe to my blog. You can do so by going here, subscribing on the widget at the top right of the page, or by clicking the appropriate checkbox when you fill out the comment.
  2. Leave a well-thought out comment on one or more of the following:
    • What  fears do you have about transitioning to the online world?
    • What are the best online strategies you have implemented to drive success for yourself or your organization?
    •  Explain your thoughts about the relationship between money (“the dollar”) and the online world (“Digital”) and why that is important for your organization.

On Saturday November 10th, 2012, I and a few online friends will choose 2 or 3 of the most thought out and valuable comments to receive the book. I am excited to hear your thoughts!

Differentiation & Vanilla Ice Cream | The Leadership Book Corner

DifferentiationI know I am an odd one, but I actually like vanilla ice cream, in fact it is my favorite flavor. Yet, even vanilla ice cream has a lot of varieties, and there are a few brands that are greatly superior than the others. Whether your business is about ice cream, candy, technology, widgets, or some other gadget …differentiation is one of the things that separates the good from great!

In order to have great differentiation, you have to have a great strategy. Tweet This!

Steve Van Remortel, takes on this subject in his book Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream: The Scoop on Increasing Profit by Differentiating Your Company through Strategy and Talent. As the title implies this is not another book about differentiation through innovation, branding or marketing – but through great strategy development and talent development.

In this book Steve explores 4 phases of his, “Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream” process, these are:

Phase 1: Planning Process Preparation – This phase is focused on building a team and making sure everyone on the team is in the right place where they will bring the greatest value. It involves collecting the content that is needed to make sure the strategy development is effective.

Phase 2: Building the Team and Strategy Development Preparation –This phase is focused on various models and exercises to build and develop a team and improve the team communications. It delves into laying the foundation for greater strategy development.

Phase 3: Strategy Development – As the title implies this is where the actual strategy is developed and defined. In this process the team discusses and analyses the organization’s competencies and target market, and then create a strategy based on those results.

Phase 4: Strategy Implementation – This is the one I am big on …the execution. Steve takes the reader through more planning to make sure that departments and individuals can now implement the strategy.

I really liked how he used a real company, Connecting Cultures, Inc.  throughout the book to explain the process from beginning to end. It helped to conceptualize how the process would look and be deployed in an organization. The book includes access to online templates and resources to help you in your own implementation as well. Even if you do not implement the process, there is some great knowledge on strategy that would be valuable for any leader.

Steve’s book was just launched last week, go pick-up a copy today!

Wisdom & Prosperity on The Book Shelf | The Leadership Book Corner

Leadership Book CornerJane Hamilton, an American novelist beautifully said, “It is books that are the key to the wide world; if you can’t do anything else, read all that you can.

I have taken that philosophy for a number of years and know it to be true. Some of the greatest successes I have had in life, were due to the knowledge I gained by reading a book. There is a book for just about every conceivable problem. In the business/leadership genre this is ever so true. Many companies struggle in these hard times, yet many of the secrets to solve these problem are locked within the confines of wonderful books.

I feel a little bit ashamed though, that I don’t really tell many people about the books that have impacted me. As I was staring at a pile of books recently and thinking about this; I realized that I should to start a book column on the site. Instead of just randomly posting a book I enjoyed, I needed to make it more regular. So I have decided to start the Leadership Book Corner every Friday at ToddNielsen.com to share and talk about some of the fantastic new books that are hitting the market, and some old classics that I love.

Here is my pledge to you:

Green Check MarkI promise to NOT share books just because some publicist or author sent me a book. I will only review books that I enjoyed reading, that I learned from, and that I feel provide value to my readers.

Green Check MarkI will keep the reviews short and sweet, so you can get on with your day.

Green Check MarkI will try and always share a few quotes from the book so you can get a taste of the content and writing style of the author.

Green Check MarkI will be honest if there is something about the book that bothers me. Keep in mind though that I will not share books that I don’t like, so a small flaw usually won’t make me not like a book.

Green Check Mark***Prizes – If I get cooperation from the Authors of the books I review, I will give away a book each week to the person with the most profound comment on the topic of the article.

The Leadership Book Corner, starts Friday October 26th, 2012 (Tomorrow). I hope you will join me. As always sign-up for email updates to stay up to date on all the articles and books I share.

Let me leave you with another great quote on reading:

A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

and for those that need a laugh:

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”
~ Will Rogers