Coming Soon, my Uber-Magnificent 2.5 Book Launch! 3 Books about Execution by Yours Truly! Subscribe to get all the details!

About Todd

Yep, that’s a picture of me back when I was skinny, young, and free of worries. While many years have passed I have never given-up my love for climbing. Climbing has lessons buried in it that apply to every facet of life, and especially business. The adventures and lessons from my climbing years have taught me a lot about hard work, perseverance, leadership, trust, planning, and well …execution. I’m currently getting myself back in shape so that I can return to the sport I love and eventually teach these these lessons to my son.

I have experienced a lot of non-climbing adventures since that picture was taken. When I was 18 and climbing all over the western United States, I never imagined the journey that I would soon be on.  This journey has taken me to many places, it has molded me, taught me, and humbled me. Serving as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, President, and Vice President of companies in the Technology and Telecommunications industries was part of that journey that had lots of bumps, ledges, dicey moves, dynos, falls, and some great achievements.

2010-Family-PhotoThe biggest “climb” though, was with two treasures of my life. The first date I had with Nancy was climbing in the mountains of southern California. The climb started that day and is still going. Nancy and I were married in 1999 and likewise have had many adventures that have molded us. The biggest of which was the adoption of our son Aaron in 2008. He’s a little bigger now, but still our baby. We live in Corona, CA and enjoy the outdoors, traveling when we can, reading, and watching movies.

My life has taken a different route the last few years as I discovered a new passion and purpose. That passion was to help others create miracles in their life and business through the power of execution.  In fact my new mission statement is just that, “Use the Power of Execution to Create Miracles.” The word “Miracle” seems like a strong word, but to take a company that is mediocre and failing and turn it into a success in a matter of months is a nothing short of a miracle. Hearing executives bear their souls to me, and shed tears of frustration about their struggles and then to see the light of hope in their eyes as things change – is a miracle. And to see successful people who believed they were happy and at the top of their “mountain,” use my methodologies to climb to taller heights, likewise is a miracle in my eyes.

My process teaches organizations and individuals how to climb off the ledges that are holding them back from greater success. Did you know that 70%of strategic business failures occur due to poor execution? Additionally, successful execution is consistently rated one of the biggest challenges by CEOs.

Can you imagine what would happen if the activities of EVERYONE in your organization were focused and aligned with your company vision? You don’t have to imagine it, using the aligned execution model that I’ve developed – I make this a reality.

Execution and leadership are powerful forces that can create great good in the world. So many business and individuals are unable to attain success because they fail to lay the proper execution foundation. Additionally failure comes by not having an execution framework to follow.  Whether in business or in life, our ability to achieve plays a great role in our success.

This new website is completely focused around execution and leadership. While you may see some topics that stray a little bit, they are all geared towards achieving more success. What you see now, is barely scratching the surface of what I have planned. I invite you to explore the site, learn what you can, and contact me if I can help create a miracle in your life or business. You can contact me by using the contact form and I also accept almost all social media connections, so feel free to send me a request.

Happy Executing!


  1. Randy Whitten says:

    Todd love this as you all are a lot like Kim and I. We Adopted Tanner (4) soon to be (5) April 29th

    These leadership success are one reason why I am so excited to work by you everyday.

  2. Abdulrehman Akbar says:

    Brilliant and inspirational story. It really shows your efforts towards excellence in life. God bless you and your family.


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