The Grateful Lead

grateful leadershipI know that throughout the International Leadership Blogathon this year there will be many excellent posts on leadership.  There will be some great thinking on how to lead, and how to follow, and how to manage.  I’m looking forward to reading them and gaining a loads of useful knowledge.

But for this first post, I want to take us on a different path.

— A path that we sometimes forget in our leadership.

— A path that we sometimes forsake in our organization.

— A path we sometimes neglect in our relationships.

Today let’s pause to think of all those meaningful moments,  profound people and  life lessons that have saved us and inspired us and empowered us, and let’s… be grateful.

— Think about that someone who helped you see that darkness is just the absence of light, and be grateful.

— Think about the difficult times when you were frightened, yet someone dared you to do it anyway, and be grateful.

— Think about the moments when you felt beaten down and then someone picked  you up, and be grateful.

— Think about the times you felt yourself become tense and someone helped you find your gentle side, and be grateful.

— Think about the times of when others failed you and someone was there with an extended hand, and be grateful.

— Think about the occasions when someone helped you feel your inner power, and be grateful.

— Think about the special times when you felt you were leading from love, and be grateful.

 Be the Leader who leads with gratitude” ~Lolly Daskal  (Tweet This!)

Thank those who have made a difference in your life: with a note, with a call, with an e-mail, with a text. If they’re out of reach, or if they were passing strangers and you don’t even know their name, thank them in your heart.

The grateful lead.

This is what it means to Lead From Within.

Be the kind of leader who embraces gratitude and extends appreciation to others. The grateful lead with heart.

Have you thanked anyone lately who had helped you in any possible way? Please share with us your thoughts on grateful leadership.