How to Screw-up a Great Opportunity

Some of you may know that I also write technology related articles for Wired and other online periodicals. Well a couple months ago I was at a technology conference in Las Vegas. I was working on an article about how cloud computing is changing the strategic direction for backup vendors. While at the show, I met with several executives and asked them a specific question about the industry. I asked them to email me a short response. I told them when I needed to get it by, because I was planning on publishing the article that week.

I spoke to executives from at least 20 backup vendors. They all were excited to have their company featured in an article on I mean heck, who wouldn’t mind a little exposure and publicity on one of the most read technology magazines in the world? Of the the 20 companies, about 2 sent responses exactly how I asked, a few more responded with ridiculously long “quotes,” more like an article in itself, and a few more just tried to promote themselves in their content. The rest got lost with PR people or they never responded.

I was completely blown away because the backup industry is fierce with competitors. All they needed to do was email me a couple of sentences on this question, and I was going to quote them and link back to their site in this article. I even told them that I did not mind if they had a little self-promotion in the quote. Yet, most of them completely screwed-up the opportunity that would have taken only a few minutes.

This is not the only incident like this I have had. I have offered to write  and do other things for all kinds of people to help promote them, and have had similar experiences. I enjoy helping people, but if the person I am trying to help can’t follow through with me, then that is a huge problem. The next time someone wants to help you or promote your business, jump on it!

It’s easy to screw-up opportunities, just don’t let people help you.” Tweet This!

A Great Opportunity – Are You Going to Screw This Up?

So with that said, I want to offer to help you in a really big way. I want to promote you on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google+, on LinkedIn. I want to send my followers to your blog. I want to create backlinks on my site to your website and feature you in my Friends Around the World page, and other pages. I want to offer you books, cash, and a bunch of other cool things, including an IOU (I Owe You) from me.

Wondering how you can get all this? Easy – sign-up(free) to be an Uber-Master or Uber Apprentice for Uber-Magnificent Book Launch. The work I am asking you to do, pales in comparison to what I am giving away, and the value of what I am giving away is HUGE. This is a massive book launch where I will be releasing three books on creating a culture of execution in an organization.

I hope you will join me, there is limited space and the slots are filling-up!! Go here: Uber-Magnificent Book Launch, and signup (free), under the package that appeals to you.

About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.


  1. Great article. I had the same thing happen with my offer of 6 hrs of free project management consulting or lean six sigma consulting. Both of which are pretty pricey otherwise. Had no takers.

    Paul Weber, MBA, PMP, LSSMBB

  2. Wow, what a waste. Who would pass up a chance to promote themselves? I always jump at the chance to talk about the non-profit I work for. Especially if a link is involved.