Steve Nicholls – Steve Nicholls Career Coaching

I met Steve earlier this year on Twitter. We hit it off and began sharing tweets. When my International Leadership Blogathon came around he wrote a fantastic post but we both decided to publish it after the blogathon. It is a great post worth reading for those looking to make a career transition. Click to read his post. I consider him one of my many friends across the sea and hope to visit him when I finally make it over there.
Steve Nicholls
 Steve Nicholls
 Company/ Blog Name:
 Steve Nicholls Career Coaching
Click Here
Cornwall & London (UK) 


My aim is to help you to achieve your life goals, your career development goals, and your career change goals; through pragmatic, friendly, and professional career coaching, career advice, & career guidance.

Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than helping talented people to achieve their career and life goals (in a career change or in their current career – or re-launching a career after redundancy).

In addition to my Career Coach and Career Advice & Guidance roles; I am Head of Marketing & Communications for the Association for Coaching, and member of the Institute of Career Guidance, where I am also a Registered Advanced Practitioner.

I was born and bred in the beautiful county of Cornwall, UK, but have spent a large part of my life in London. Since the introduction of Skype  and other Internet technologies, I now coach people from all over the world, which is a phenomenal privilege.

Randomness from Steve:

  • Mission/purpose: – To help people to be happy and successful in their career
  • Passion: – See above!
  • Claim to Fame: – School 100 Metre & 200 Metre Champion
  • Favorite Quote:  “You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step” – Martin Luther King
  • Biggest Fear: Deep Water
  • Biggest Pet Peeve: Lack of Politeness
  • Weirdest Habit: Saying “Good morning Mr Magpie” if I see a lone Magpie! (An old superstition!)
  • Favorite Cartoon Character: American Dad
  • Anything else? I love mountain biking, and am learning classical guitar.

Links to Connect With Steve:


About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.