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Kimunya Mugo – Lead by Choice

I originally met Kimunya on Twitter. He contacted me when I was looking for writers for the International Leadership Blogathon and wanted to write. He wrote a great post that brings leadership to the family. We have stayed in touch since then and have become very good friends. I have a lot of great respect for him and all he does. He recently published a great book on bringing leadership to the family.
Kimunya Mugo
Kimunya Mugo 
 Company/ Blog Name:
 Lead By Choice
Click Here
Nairobi, Kenya 


Born in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley and now making home in Nairobi Kenya, Kimunya is first and foremost a husband and a father of three great kids. His family, he believes, is his first calling in life. During his free time, he works on his three passions: Communication, Leadership and Branding.

As a seasoned communication specialist, Kimunya has years of experience in communication strategy, publishing, branding, social media, development communication, media relations, campaigns, photography and filmmaking for development.

He started of as a scientist but his communication skills were accidentally discovered as he had a knack of digesting complex scientific information into popular script. Kimunya never looked back. Along the way, he noticed that there was something missing in his environment, intentional leadership. For a number of years, he explored what it means to be a leader. This finally inspired him to start writing a blog on intentional leadership Lead by Choice.

With a young family, he also noticed that he couldn’t become an effective leader anywhere else unless he started small, at home.  Together with his wife and another couple, they have facilitated parenting classes since 2007. It is their way to give back to community, as they prepare new parents [and sometime older ones] through the challenging maze of parenting.

Always one to try out new things, Kimunya pioneered Earth Hour in Kenya and has organized this global event in Kenya since 2009 (

He will be publishing a book in December 2012 that looks at his struggle growing up with an absentee father. In it, he takes the reader through five steps that inspired him to bring leadership back home.

Randomness from Kimunya Mugo:

  • Mission/purpose: To work towards excellence, effective leadership, and creative thought that inspires and motivates people to sustainable action.
  • Passion: Passionate about family, leadership, communication and sustainable development in that order.
  • Claim to Fame: I shoot from the hip!
  • Favorite Quote: “People of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen. They went out and happened to things.” Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Biggest Fear: Fail as a father and husband. Everything else is redeemable…
  • Biggest Pet Peeve: People who don’t keep time
  • Weirdest Habit: Can scratch my pinky with forefinger, from behind the middle and fourth fingers!
  • Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin & Hobbes!

Links to Connect With Kimunya Mugo:


About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.