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Kimberly Bordonaro – Brandspiration

I can’t remember if I met Kimberly through Twitter or Facebook. But her personal branding material captured me at a time I was really trying to define myself. I went through her self-study course and we have shared many emails and communications since then. Her blog posts are awesome and all of her advice is mixed with edge and humor. She wrote a great post for the International Leadership Blogathon and I look forward to a long friendship and years of deepening my personal branding insights from her.
Kimberly Bordonaro
 Kimberly Bordonaro
 Company/ Blog Name:
Kimberly Bordonaro
Personal Branding 
Click Here
 Los Angeles, CA, USA


As one of the most assiduous branding consultants for entrepreneurs, Kimberly Bordonaro has built a career on combining practical marketing and business advice with inspiring lyrical references to form a philosophy termed Brandspiration™. Her playful yet pragmatic style has been applauded by industry peers, many who turn to her for help crafting their own brands. Unlike some contemporaries, Kimberly views success not only in financial terms but creative terms. Her work is as much focused on defining and creating experiences around her clients’ individual ingenuity as it is in creating profitable brands.

Randomness from Kimberly Bordonaro:

  • Mission/purpose: Turning tenacious entrepreneurs into profitable brands.
  • Passion: My family, music/pop culture, creating remarkable experiences, and having fun.
  • Claim to Fame: Less than 6 months from its launch, my “Brandspiration” blog began receiving endorsements and praise from a number of top marketing experts. Consequently, other branding professionals have turned to me to help with their personal brands and I’ve unofficially become the consultant who “brands the branders.”
  • Favorite Quote: “Go!”
  • Biggest Fear: I’m not too keen on camping and wild animals. I’m a city girl.
  • Biggest Pet Peeve: I have no time for rude people and passive aggressive behavior.
  • Weirdest Habit:  I leave the house at time increments of five. A bit OCD and weird, no?
  • Favorite Cartoon Character: Wile E. Coyote. That guy never gives up!
  • Anything else? I love cupcakes and espresso. 🙂

Links to Connect With Kimberly Bordonaro:


About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.