How I Royally Screwed My Job Search & Came Out on Top

Doing-it-BigBack in 2011 I was working for a company as Chief Operations Officer. In 2009 I had sold my company to this organization, but after the first year or so, I knew that it wasn’t going to be the place to hang my hat for the rest of my career. So I began thinking about and preparing for a career change. I had sold my company because I had created a cloud computing model that had huge potential. I was passionate about cloud computing and technology and felt I was on the forefront of the industry (which I was).

At this time the economy was not great, so I looked at ways to differentiate myself from other executives. I wanted to stand out from the crowd. I decided on 4 things that ultimately screwed me …sort-of.

  1. I started a blog on leadership at (Now The part of the technology industry that I was in had a poor reputation for leadership acumen. I felt that if I started writing on leadership and management it would help to differentiate myself from many of the executives that existed in the industry. I felt I had to make a name for myself, and not just create some random blog that no one visited.
  2. I started really focusing on social media. I figured the more followers I got; the more potential touches there were for someone to notice me. I want to clarify that I did not buy followers. I did however focus on strategies to grow my following, specifically on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
  3. I started writing for industry websites and periodicals to establish myself as an expert in the industry.
  4. I finished the book I had started the year before about creating a culture of execution. Heck, how many executives out there have written a book? This was going to be the icing on the cake …so I thought.

So What Did I Do Wrong?


  1. My blog became recognized, by many, as one of the top leadership blogs on the Internet. I was recognized as one of the top 10 leadership experts to follow on Twitter.
  2. My social media following grew from practically ZERO, to over 60,000 today.
  3. Within a few months of writing technology articles – Wired Magazine saw my writing and contacted me to ask if I would write on Cloud Computing for Let’s see – only one of the most widely recognized and read publications in the world. I also started writing for other print and online publications on technology, cloud computing, and the IT Channel.
  4. The book – well I sent it out for advanced reviews, and people were coming back to me saying, it was the best and most valuable business book they had ever read.

“If You Are Going to do Something, Do it Big!”

Earlier this year I was invited to an exclusive speech and book signing, by Jack Abramoff. Jack wrote a book about his wrong-doings as a political lobbyist, which ultimately put him in prison. At that speech, he said he used to have a motto he lived by, “If you are going to do something, do it big!” When I heard that I realized that I had unknowingly followed that motto. I have never felt like doing something half-assed would get me anything out of life.

So Where Does That Leave Me?

When I resigned in 2011, I had several offers on the table, but none of them worked out quite right. So did I sit around and collect unemployment, NO! Did I try to be innovative and do something better with my life, YES! Where does it leave me? Well, it leaves me here at It leaves me helping other companies experience record growth and profitability like TDCNet (Watch the Video Testimonial). I could sit around and do nothing, but I chose to stay busy, and help others with my expertise and knowledge. If the right executive position came along, I’d probably take it; but for now, I choose to stand-up, lead, and help others achieve miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. I had not even considered this a year ago, but by overdoing it, I discovered other rewards.

About Todd Nielsen

Todd Nielsen helps organizations create miracles of success and profitability through the power of execution. Having served as Vice-President, President, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of organizations, he has learned how to create a culture that "Gets Things Done." He is passionate about leadership, and is a dynamic and inspirational speaker.


  1. Paul Walker says:

    Great message. I really like the commitment and effort to “GO BIG”. This reinforces the idea that perseverance and effort eventually pays off. Thanks again, enjoy reading your posts.

  2. “If you are going to do something, Do it big”, words to live by and great advice for everyone!! thanks Todd for an inspiring blog.

  3. TraciAHernandez says:

    Tremendous story…congratulations on your success!
    Thank YOU for the twitter follow too / it’s my pleasure to be connected!

  4. I agree with Peter Todd. This is another great post. Keep following your passion. Many can benefit from your talent and enthusiasm.

  5. Great article, Todd. I too have a similar experience. feeling unchallenged and uninspired, I left a “stable” position as a full-time employee in 2011. I came across several offers since then, but none of them worked out quite right. So I launched my blog and started writing about what I was passionate about. putting myself out there has led to so many amazing opportunities. it’s important to always stay busy and continue to challenge yourself – even if it means launching into the unknown. and I totally agree w/ your philosophy – if you’re going to do something, do it BIG and never look back 🙂

  6. Doug Jentzsch says:

    This is a tough economy still. It’s far too easy to feel the need to just wait it out. Doing nothing it the wrong approach, completely and totally. Great article and advice.

  7. Congratulation, Todd on the success. More importantly, on your mindset which created the results. And it’s because you are helping many with your posts.

  8. Great post Todd and this site and the direction you are now moving toward is a true testament to your hard work. Keep at it, but also take the time to stop and smell the roses every now and then (or go climb a big rock!”)