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Business Process Improvement

Increase Your Efficiency and Profitability

Costs Go Down, Quality Goes Up

When you’re building a business, or working in one, you need to be creative. You need to be inspired and constantly be able to innovate to stay ahead of the curve.

The other side of your efforts relates to your ability to pay attention to and improve business processes. This involves asking questions such as: who we are (as a business), what we do, who we serve, and how we can do it better?”

That’s business process improvement. My consulting in this arena is geared towards helping managers and business leaders identify and implement the best ways to systematically improve the way business operations are carried out. The aim is to improve productivity and efficiency. As a result, costs go down and quality of work and revenues go up.

Not a Department, but a Trait

As a manager, vice president or business owner, the capability of improving business processes is crucial for you. Many people make the mistake of thinking that business process improvement is just a “task” or “function” that needs to be handled by a special team, department or outsourced.

Yes, process improvement does often require specialist knowledge. However, there’s no reason why you cannot and should not take the initiative to look around your work environment and systems and see how you can make them better.

Entrepreneurs who don’t have the budget to hire expensive consultants can easily use the lessons of my business process improvement consulting to improve and boost their company’s efficiency.

If you have any level of managerial responsibility, you can use this knowledge to make important improvement suggestions. This will make you a valued part of your department and company.

An On-going Process

One of the most important things I teach in regards to business process improvement is the fact that it is not a one-off event. Sure, process improvement studies and implementation plans may have start and end times. On the whole though, business process improvement largely remains an ongoing process.

“Why Should I?”

People involved in business process improvement face many problems. One of the biggest of these problems comes when people resist the improvement initiative. Most people are complacent. They will resist other people’s efforts to improve processes, let alone trying to take the initiative to improve themselves. Naturally they will create hurdles for you.

When you try to enlist people for your process improvement campaign, something you can’t avoid, people will want to know what’s in it for them. So you are faced by the question “Why should I?”

What You Will Learn

My consulting will help you learn not only the basics of business process improvement, but invaluable improvement techniques. These insights will enable you to:

  • Share your understanding of how specific business processes are run
  • Improve teamwork, collaboration and problem-solving ability
  • Reduce process lead times
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Identify areas where automation of elimination of processes can increase efficiency
  • Determine areas that require training and development
  • Systematically document the case for implementing process improvement changes

All of the above, and more, translate into your ability to boost the efficiency of your team, department or company.

Contact me to learn more!

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